Day two of fasting...

in #fitness7 years ago

So I am pretty proud of myself for making it to day 2 considering me previous lack of willpower. Willpower is the main reason I’m doing this. So I woke up at 1,2,3,4AM. Had a sore throat half the day possibly from ridding myself of toxins or so that’s what Dr. Google says. When I woke up I drank 16oz of lemon water and some apple cider vinegar. Made a black coffee to go and ran to the gym. 2 miles on the treadmill and very light weights. Not too much as I don’t want to be completely exhausted. The day started out okay....around 2pm I started feeling off. Mentally slow, strange nerve sensations throughout my whole body, and mentally emotional. This was off and on. It’s now 7:30pm and my mind tells me to go eat but I don’t necessarily feel starving. I’m in it to win it! I’m hoping for 3-4 days till I indeoduce myself to ONLY clean foods. I may even cut out meat for a while. Any advise? 2669C782-B97D-461D-A4F9-5723709A6490.jpeg



pizza filter haha love it! Good luck!

Thank you!!!

I fasted and lost over 50lbs, once you get through the first few days it becomes super easy. If you really want to be motivated, check out the facebook group snake diet motivation, over 100,000 people now and awesome results and the guy has fasting down to a science. Also the snake juice recipe is awesome!! Keep doing it girl, you got this!!

I will look into it! Thank you for the information!