One of the most common trees in U.K. although it has been affected by Ash Dieback desease recently...
- Great as a building wood as it is strong and flexible (good for wood handles on hammers n axes).
- The sugary sap can be collected which is known as ‘Manna’.
- The king of woods for fires... Check out a poem called 'The FireWood Poem' it's a great one to teach the kids and explains each of the wood/trees in Britain for burning.
- Has many herbal properties =
I'm sure there are many other uses too, but for me the primary one is for burning... good burning when green and dead...
Thanks for info PV :)
Can sap extraction be done in the same way as Birch then?
Absolutely..... in fact there are many trees you can 'tap' for syrup, just watch out for the toxic ones.
Cheers PV :)