Super pancakes rolls with sour cream

in #food6 years ago

Super pancakes rolls with sour cream

sour cream 250 g
eggs 4 pcs.
kiwi 1 pc.
sugar 1 glass
milk 1/2 cup
flour 4 tbsp.
vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
poppy 2 tablespoons
gelatin 1 tablespoon.
cherry canned

Knead the dough for pancakes, using eggs, sugar, flour and milk, mix all the ingredients until smooth, trying to avoid the formation of lumps. Bake thin pancakes. For 1 roll, you need 4 pancakes. For the preparation of the first filling it is necessary to grind kiwi, for the second - to grind the poppy in a coffee grinder and mix it with a small amount of sugar and water; for the third, remove the bones from the berries.

To make jelly from sour cream, you need to dissolve gelatin in a glass of hot water. Mix sour cream with sugar, pour in gelatin and whisk everything to a homogeneous consistency. Fillings wrapped in pancakes, one pancake - one filling, folded with a pyramid. Fourth pancake grease jelly from sour cream and wrap them with prepared pancakes. Remove pancakes rolls with sour cream in the cold.