
now we know who babysat baby driver

Start Them Young - They Be Heisting In No Time

source: filmfest

ya the daytona arcade machine

you do come up with good ideas......better start training my cat (FOMO Kitty) to drift then

Baby you driving me horny!

yup that's my cat.....FOMO Kitty will be learning to drift soon

How did you get that footage of me driving to work?! :O

lapd....also you boss said you were late to work

I told my boss this:

Kitty is the best babysitter

Gif from Giphy

kitty is the best everything

Damn, you've trained your pussy well.


Who needs a stroller

when you can be in a warm fuzzy carrier

gif source

if you use the mens version they look at you funny
especially if the baby is facing towards you

Hmmm, it could be a good funny look...although, not sure about facing the baby inwards, could get you in trouble.


It must have evolved from kangaroo.

This babysitter looks armed and ready for any situation

Making babysitting sexy badass

also some big action hero doing a baby sitter gig
this guy, the rock, arnie, they all have to do it at least once to get it out of their system

Dang, I would let him babysit me...haha.

The last babysitter was also high risk

On the bright side Sharon the snake did give lots of hugs


soon you can sell his blood for anti venom to make a living

Holy crap. The snake with your baby. You've got to be kidding.

You think that's impressive you should see my snake

All you need is the trusty duct tape

It will keep them out of trouble til you get back.


then I've got nothing left to bring girls home with

Ropes work just as well or some of those plastic binding ties.

Babysitter after parents left the home.

a little lenient if you ask me

Gotta keep the bastards in line.

Can I take one please?

That's why I'm hesitant to hire a manny, even if he is a hobo bobsled Olympic champion.

A Manny?

Src: IMDb

doubt he'd use his left arm much but still charge you the full rate

i believe he's talking about this co-star infront of the boobs Sofia Vergara

The boobs are good.

Kids Dancing GIF

A male nanny, or Manny Pacquiao. I would be hesitant to hire either to watch my kids.

I'd trust Manny over a male nanny.

I think it is better.



If your kid is naughty. :P

yeah i wanted her but my wife didn't for some reason

Babysitter? What babysitter? That's my mother!

It's just an imaginary scene :v


Yeah, its too awkward.

Lol, new nannies, new technologies, ha ha ha

maybe they'll come up with a wheelchair attachment

If I have kids one day, I hope she'll be available

She looks highly capable and qualified

Babysitter actually do.

just relax and HODL the book!

Ha ha ha its lolanigif_enhanced-3025-1463170492-2.gif

It is so lol

Ultimate babysitting

just make sure that he takes the kid for a stroll on an empty stomach
giphy (2).gif

cleaning up puke sucks

I see you bought the self cleaning model. Thoroughly recommended.

Don't do this human, it is so dangerous!


Parents Kid GIF

ha ha ha funny gif

hahaha you say you loves taking the baby out on the stroller and having new experience of baby sitter
when your baby stroller ready for flying without you


What about this great babysitter..

I like my babysitter more like blond college student :D

Now we're talking.

And if the mother and the kids want to go for stroll. They can make use of this...

Hired a new baby sitter today.

funny gifs

that is the new fashion dear friend @traf sacra a loa children in cart

Well this is awkward.

Evidence that Dogs are the Best Babysitter

Dogs Babysitter Pets

Jump Fail GIF

Dad Drinks Bottle GIF

hahaha lol

babysister dance

Mom dancing

Oh new born baby! feelings will be just awesome, just like a flying bird in the free sky.

I'd be worried. Not all birds are meant to fly.

more like soon to crash bird still in a metal cage

At the point when a parent says "don't stress over putting her down for a rest, she doesn't more often than not nod off for our different sitters

wow, lol, you made my day buddy........hahaha


comeon @chiquibencomo i know you can do better, put in a punchline or at least the link and I'll throw you an upvote

Thats a great funny meme😁😁😁
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hahahha)I would have this :)

the mommy be like

haha, we just need to stay away from such babysitters and better find new one with better character.

I would definitely hire her xD

The man was supposed to meet the young man on the way

cource image

@traf haahahahah he is a bit slow if i was he should be much faster <3

lol...then there is a problem.

@traf haha after seeing this gif I started laughing out so loudly that all the people on railway platform started looking at me.... But I don't give a fuck because your gif was so funny... Keep it up bro because as you know laughter is the best medicine and you are surely providing that!!

Difficult to handle these babies:$

THE BABYSITTER is the cinematic equivalent of this meme.

nooooo, it my baby

Good boy...

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment