Meditation: As Easy As 1-2-3

in #health7 years ago

Meditation: As Easy As 1-2-3 By Martin Reilly

We are here to talk about something that I see too many people neglecting in their day to day lives. In fact, people with brain related conditions, I’d say only a good 10-20% of them are doing this one thing.

What’s the one thing?


The fact is, if you hope to live an optimal life, meditation must be part of your weekly schedule. Too many people think that you need to be in a special place to meditate or wearing certain clothing – or be a monk in a secluded environment!

This is not the case. Meditation is for everyone. And even better is that you can do it just about everywhere. You just need to know how to get started.

Once you begin meditation, you will think more clearly, remember more, and you will help greatly improve your physical and psychological health. Meditation has been proven time and time again by research to have extremely positive effects on your overall well-being.

When meditation is recommended to people and they start actively practicing it, they almost always notice a remarkable difference.

So here are three steps to getting started right now.

1.Sit somewhere quiet where you are comfortable.


The only requirement for a good meditation session is that you find somewhere quiet to sit where you are comfortable. This could be your own bedroom, your living room, even a bathroom if that’s where you have to do it. Some people will meditate in the bath and that is perfectly acceptable.

What you’re going to want to do here is relax your body. Focus on squeezing one muscle at a time and then releasing it.
As it releases, feel the tension be removed from your body.

2.Choose your focal point.


Next, you’ll need to choose your focal point. This could be an object in front of you – a candle, a picture or an object.
It might even be looking directly into the wall in front of you.

You just need something to focus on. Keep in mind it may also be an internal focal point as well; the image of a rain forest or a beach for instance. Just choose something that will keep you relaxed.

3.Acknowledge and release thoughts.


Now, focus on that focal point and only that focal point. Maintain that focus and if a thought creeps into your head, acknowledge the thought and then release it from your mind.

You aren’t trying to solve the thought or think about it too much, just realize it and then know that you will deal with it later.

The more often those thoughts are creeping into your practice, the more likely that you need to figure out how to deal with them during your normal waking hours.

As you get better at this, you’ll find you can go longer and longer without thoughts creeping into your mind. This will then tell you that your brain is getting stronger and you’re less ‘clouded’ by a stream of thoughts coming into your consciousness.

So try and give meditation a go, even if you do it just once or twice a week for five minutes. That’s all it really takes to start to see remarkable benefits taking place.

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Awesome article, I have been practicing meditation daily for about two months now. I absolutely love it. I am going to give you a follow!