#Straturday - Here we go again!

in Guitar3 years ago (edited)

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So here we go again. Things seem to be going back to normal-ish. Shops are open, people are again buying crap they don't really need. Oh, that reminds me, I could use a new guitar.

In a couple of weeks I'm hitting the new 30, which was the new 40, but is really the old 50. My family hates buying me presents, they say I'm hard to buy for. I've been umming and ahhing about a new actual telecaster for a few years now. Not that I don't like my artist telecaster, but I do have a hankering for a legit one.

Every time I get caught checking it out on my phone my wife rolls her eyes as if I've just been caught watching porn, and tells me to just buy the freaking thing.

Maybe I will.... maybe I will....

Until then it's straturday and I was looking for a Steve Vai Whitesnake song to work on but couldn't find a backing track. A lot of their material has synths in them and I've never been in a band that has keyboards so I've never really learn't one.

The solo is short and not too difficult apart from the run at the end. I used the program Transcribe! which has a cool speed up feature where you can slow down and loop something you're learing and incrementally speed it up every loop. So starting at say 75% every loop goes up by 1% until you get to a speed where your playing falls apart, you get to 100%, or a family member throws something at your head and tells you to shut the hell up.

Anyway! Here t'is. Hope you like it.

▶️ 3Speak


I think I will have to try transcribe, it sounds quite good right up to the getting things thrown at you :0)

Great playing!

I learnt it from your mate Ben Eller Guitars on YouTube. He does good lessons and has a great sense of humour.

He is awesome. You should see me scrambling for the mute button when I click one of his videos and the kids are about and he introduces us to Weekend Wankshop no blah. The last thin I want is one of them asking me what a wank is!

You can always use another guitar :)

I'm not sure Vai played on that song, but he may have been in the live band. Could have been John Sykes did the solo, but I know nothing about what else he's done. Vai is from another planet anyway.

Rock on!


Vai played on Slip of the Tongue which was the only album of whitesnake I really got into. I only know a few of their hits apart from that. I was looking for a song to do and went hunting for a backing track off of that album, but couldn't find any.

Moving on from rocking - Thinking about funking :)

(BTW - Really enjoyed the interview podcast you did the other day)


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