Hello and welcome to another update for the OCD Curation Program. How lucky we are at @sportstalksocial to have OCD backing us giving their support. When OCD first came on board the numbers were dropping weekly and since then we have been growing week after week. The idea of being able to earn rewards has helped as the numbers do prove this.
Last week we had 2273 users in the tribe and this week we can see a gain of 33 giving us a grand total of 2306. The one figure I am more concerned about is the interactions though. The front end was down last week and not surprisingly so was everything else including posts and comments. I have checked again tonight and it is still not working properly for curation purposes which is highly frustrating.
This is all I get and can't afford to wait every time I am trying to open a post to vote and comment. Honestly I am about to give up and just remain on Peakd for sporting posts as Hive only allows 100% votes currently and has issues as well. maybe @patrickulrich can try and get to the bottom of this and get this fixed as a tribe having no front end that works is not a good sign. The page has finally loaded after over 10 minutes and that included doing only 1 vote. Ok so it works but it is just not workable due to being too slow. The old site may have looked old, but at least it worked.
This week has been another week of trying to help users get curated, but honestly can only help so much besides writing the post for you. I am trying to vote posts, but can only vote what is in front of me. Some of the posts are great but then lack of attention to detail such as capital letters makes it look like a slap dash post with no love. Imagine a new user or someone coming to look at Hive from outside and seeing poor grammar as if no one cares. What would be worse if that post has a $40 value as what does it say about the people upvoting it. Our standards need to remain high and cannot drop our bench mark.
I am dreading reading how many posts were curated this week as it was another poor week with so many good posts but many not qualifying due to lack of engagement. There was a total of 9 posts that were submitted so now we are down to single figures. From having a target of 35 for the week the tribe is now struggling with 25% of where we should be. As a tribe we are heading in reverse regarding quality after doing so well for so long.
OCD is a community curation account and they expect the users they are upvoting to be involved in the community as well. That is just common sense and something that will never change. We cannot keep harping on this subject when it is so obvious.
I will say this for one last time that the posts need to have personal input and not just a match report stating what happened. Anyone can do that and in my book doesn't deserve a $20 or $30 vote unless it is that good. Be original and add your own thoughts and opinion. Most of us have watched the game ourselves and this is nothing new.
If one looks at the posts that are being rewarded they are all original pieces with personal input and thought running through them. This week we had 3 posts in a row on the same match using the same photo. That tells us where we are as how boring is that? Please take your time and find something interesting to write on and don't write for the sake of writing.
The one thing is clear and that is more quality posts are required as without that I cannot curate and help you. Please if there is anyone out there that is active in the community and wants to help with curation please drop a comment and get in touch.
Thanks once again to the OCD community for supporting @sportstalksocial as it has made a big difference. Please everyone if you have an idea for a new topic please drop a comment. The last batch of 3 were kind of ignored if you consider how many took up the challenge. If you have got this far then congrats as I suspect many are not reading and why they are posting like they are. Until next Saturday have a great week.
Congrats on the support of the OCD community. It is nice to hear of the support. As for the troubles on quality and lack of engagement, it seems that most of the communities (I am part of) struggle with the same fate. And I have read some posts earlier this week with the same sentiment: lack of engagement and bad quality work. I am not one to comment on this, as I will inevitably venture into the philosophical and psychological aspects thereof. All I can do is hope that people realize the value of engagement. Good luck and I hope it becomes better onwards.
Thanks for the comment. Yes it is a golden opportunity and may are throwing it away expecting votes to suddenly appear. All it takes is 15m per day which should not be too difficult to read 3 or 4 posts and comment.
Exactly, and it is about building a network. In some sense, you cannot expect votes if you are not engaging with others. You cannot comment on everything, and not everything is up in one's alley, but building a network of friendship takes effort and time. Even if it is only 15 mins a day like you said.
100% correct and it is more about growing your overall support so shouldn't be seen as a chore or a hassle. It all depends on what you want to achieve I suppose as it is a two way street.
And here I will get a little philosophical, please excuse me: people want the rewards without the trouble and tribulations and time that you need to invest. Sadly I think that is our modern mindset. Stay well, and good luck with the community!
So far I have read the last two reports you have written, which show the concern you have about quality publications by users, and the disinterest of them in doing so.
Although I have posted only once in the community, I have found this information useful, and I have tried to do my homework because I have a commitment to growth.
So thank you.
Quality is what drives improvement and attracts new users into the tribe. If you are being offered votes for quality/effort then surely it is obvious you do something to justify the rewards. Thanks for commenting as it is appreciated.
It is certainly so, it is not doing things for the sake of doing them, but making an effort to do them well.
Love your work. I appreciate the work you do with regards to engagement
I dropped your post to the Hive Engine team and the thought was that particular issue was due to a network/node connection issue. I'm going to work on making a page as either a part of the Outpost site or on my own server where people can submit tickets that we can then pass forward to the Hive Engine team in a weekly/monthly aggregation. I don't have a timeline for getting it up but if I finish the building I'm working on early this week then I might have time later this week/early next week to start on it.
Thanks for this.
We must ensure we make quality post in this our beloved community.