Spideria bodypainting

in MakeUp Power3 years ago

I was inspired by spiderman when I did this bodypainting. I didn't want a huge spider web on me though and neither huge black spiders. It would have been too easy. I wanted a more abstract, fantasy style representation of the Spiderman vibes. A female version for me. A Spideria look as I have called it.

spideria (6).jpg

I knew I wanted black and red.

spideria (10).jpg

You know me, I love colors. But with this particular look I have felt I wanted to keep it simple and focus on the lines.

spideria (1).jpg

spideria (2).jpg

When I painted black on my arms I wondered: how would I look like with a full tattoed sleeve? Haha many thoughts can cross my mind while painting. And I do love tattoos as I consider them a form of art. Too bad that I can get easily bored so I am not sure about liking the same tattoo 10 years from now.

spideria (9).jpg

spideria (3).jpg

I have used grimas paints. A complete list of products used for this bodypainting:
@grimas colors

504 water make-up pure
601 water make-up pure

@mehron #paradisemakeupaq

Pigments @dazzleme
Illusion 12
Spellbound 11

spideria (7).jpg

spideria (4).jpg

I followed my hiveian friend's advice @vincentnijman and I have turned myself into a NFT. Tadam.

spideria (8).jpg

spideria (5).jpg

The very first bodypainting minted on @nftshowroom as #cryptoart. I have picked 5 of my favourite images in high resolution and great quality. Here you can check them out!

Spideria 1

Spideria 2

Spideria 3

Spideria 4

Spideria 5

I feel that taking photos with my Fuji while doing bodypainting really disrupts my creative flow. So this time I took some random pics with my phone.





I wish I had another person filming me or doing photos of me while I create because doing them all alone is quite tiresome. I guess this is why a good loving boyfriend could come in handy if he would support me as a creative and truly understand my work and how much effort I put into my looks. Maybe in the future I'll have some of that, I am worthy of an awesome boyfriend => future husband I shall say because I am pretty awesome myself❤️😎

I love black and red in make-up and this look is excellent for contrast.

Have a splendid day and toodle loo!


Wowwwww! I missed seeing your work dear @creativemary. Always delighting us with your amazing talent! You really are a great inspiration wapa! God continue to bless your Beautiful Gift!!!! Happy happy day to you!!!☺️✨

Hello! Thank you very much, I'm glad that you admire my work! Have a gorgeous day too! 🌹

It must take you hours to wash off all that paint!

Oh G. if you could only imagine. As I was taking pictures of it I started to sweat as it is super hot in my country now. It smeared all over so I just jumped in the shower. It was a mess. The red and black went all over. It looked like a horror scene hahahaha. I rubbed it hard because it sticked to the skin. Bodypainting is a joy to do and a nightmare to wash away. It almost hurts me to wash the art but somehow it has to be done.

Self inflicted. I have no pity. 🤣

Aaaaa G. come on😂😂😂 if there would have been red LEGO painting washing away, you would have shown mercy😂😂

It all sounds so messy...After you'd washed it off you'd need to spend hours cleaning the shower!

Exactly! I wonder if they would do painted shower cabins, with abstract patterns, the kind of painting which couls hide the dirt lol. Scrubbing a shower cabin sparkling white is not my forte. I dislike washing windows, mirrors etc. We sleep half of our lives, I have no plans in spending a couple of years cleaning my shower cabin. Slightly dirty can be ok sometimes lol. The purpose is to get yourself clean right? This is why I would love an outdoor shower, rustic and made out of wooden poles. Imagine... I would not have to do the tiniest bit of cleaning.... 🤩🤩🤩😂😂

An outdoor shower hanging off a tree would be good or...


This is crazy good and the fact that you done it on yourself as well, hats off for that. You sure do a lot of work creating all of this on your on, thank your for sharing your creation with us xxxx

Hey girl! Thank you for your lovely words! Doing it on my own is not easy. But I find it soothing and relaxing, the only thing that bugs me is having to do all on my own as photography, video. I would love to just sit and paint and somebody else do the technical stuff.
I am grateful for my gift and I thank you for the appreciation, it means a lot!

 3 years ago  

Wowww what a lovely makeup, I enjoyed it very much, yes, you always need someone to take your pictures but otherwise there is no choice but to make an effort to take good pictures, I see that you did it because they are beautiful, I love the art of bodypaint, I see how you integrated each line, color and contrast, I do not know how you did to paint your shoulder with the hand you do not use to draw, I do not know if you are ambidextrous. Congratulations for this art ❤️.

Hello! Thanks so much for writing to me! I am ambidextrous indeed so I can manage painting the body sides. Not easy though I can tell.
I like to take detailed pictures as it is the only thing that remains after I wash the make-up away.
Thanks for stopping by!

This looks/ you look amazing! You are my favorite Spider(wo)man / Spideria!

I can also totally relate to this:

I wish I had another person filming me or doing photos of me while I create because doing them all alone is quite tiresome. I guess this is why a good loving boyfriend could come in handy if he would support me as a creative and truly understand my work and how much effort I put into my looks. Maybe in the future I'll have some of that, I am worthy of an awesome boyfriend => future husband I shall say because I am pretty awesome myself❤️😎

I too would love to have a supportive partner ( who just let me be the 'creative genius' that I can be, no questions asked haha ) and preferably one with a driver's license too ( but that is a whole different story )

I also think I could be that kind of boyfriend. A shame we live so far apart ;<)

Sending you a hug from Portugal! Keep being your awesome self and meanwhile I will do the same.

Hey my dear Vincent! 🤗Thanks a lot for noticing the beauty of the Spideria, I feel happy when other fellow artists appreciate my work! You're always kind!

When it comes to matters of love... Yes.. It is indeed a challenge to find someone just as creative or at least someone who just "gets you". I believe in the power of relationships and I think that we people are build to evolve and grow in a relationship, we are not meant to sit alone for the rest of our lives.

After my experience in romantic relationships I have found how important it is to heal before anything else. I have done some really poor decisions in regards to men and I have attracted wrong people, with a lot of trauma who have hurt me deeply. Now I realize that there is a reason why we attract some types of people. I needed healing myself. A thing now popped into my mind, a thought :Broken people will break you. Can you relate? I believe that being stuck in a toxic relationship has a single role: to show you that you need healing and power to walk away. Now I am single and I am not searching specifically for love. Although I have suffered and have been with men who cheated and were verbally and physically abusive, I do not believe all men are the same. I believe that healing myself will bring the right love in my life. I now believe that love just comes and flows naturally, without forcing it. I am proud that I managed to heal slowly and that I am making progress daily. The hardest part is to have compassion for those who have hurt you and to not hold a grudge. To understand that they are just broken, not healed and not spiritually awaken people. This is the place where I struggle and yet make progress. Having love and compassion for those who have hurt you. There is an enormous liberation after you reach this point. So I would say Vincent that love will come, it will just be easy and it will just flow, I am sure of it. For everybody, no matter where you are
Hugs from you alive NFT friend hahah🤗🙏

There's a lot of truth in your words and I can relate to most of it. I am also working on being the best version of me that I can be, knowing that it will bring me closer to attracting someone who is right for me. I also believe that two broken people can never be in a healthy and happy relationship. And talking about holding a grudge, a grudge is like poison, it hurts yourself even more than the one you're angry at. I don't hold grudges any longer.

Big hug!

It sounds like you are healing too, this is very good. Have a great weekend Vincent!

Definitely. My move to Portugal, in 2018 and quitting my job in 2016 have all been steps in my healing process, in a way. It's just that we don't learn how to heal ourselves. It's not exactly taught in school or by our parents ;<)


Everything happens for a reason. Without the pain you would not be the Vincent that you are today

Everything happens for a reason. Without the pain you would not be the Vincent that you are today

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Thanks a lot!

I loved it 😍👏👏 excellent beautiful @creativemary. I congratulate you.

Thank you my dear!

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This is crazy good and the fact that you done it on yourself as well, hats off for that. You sure do a lot of work creating all of this on your on, thank your for sharing your creation with us xxxx

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