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RE: Slayed the Garage Door

in Silver Bloggers9 months ago

Coors Light ain't bad I guess. I just like the darker beers like Guinness. Those are more expensive these days those and frankly I don't drink all that much beer these days because of the meds I take. It is more of a reward for days like that.

Yeah, got a little nick on the hand from the sharp piece of steel. Didn't even notice it until after. Oddly enough it didn't bleed all that much, which is odd since I take blood thinners.

My father-in-law says you should always expect to have cuts, bruises, and a screw or bolt or two left over after a job. And you only have to worry if the blood is squirting and the bolt or screw is long. hahaha


Haha, that is a really good saying by your father in law. I would have to agree with that. I prefer darker beers myself. I have a case of Octoberfest I have been working through and I also have a 12 pack of Yunengling black and tan bottles that is one of my favorites.

Those actually sound pretty good. I just like sipping on a good cold dark beer when it is hot outside after doing some work. Now that we have been chatting about it, I might spring and have the wife pick some up next time she is out.

If you haven't had the Yuengling Black and Tan and you can get it in your state, I highly recommend it. We can't get Yunegling in Michigan, so I pick up a bunch any time I head down to Ohio.

I will have to keep my eye out for it next time out with the wife. Not sure if we have it here or not. Appreciate the recommendation and bet it tastes good.

It's delicious!