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in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

It sounds like it may have taken you some time to find your nitch and the perfect partner, but you've got it going on now.
The blemishes in one's life pave the roads we will travel in the future, and it's those experiences that define us later on in life.
Not marching to the same drummer, in today's crazy world, is an accomplishment.

At one point in your life, you wanted to have 10 children, now that's real old school.
Many years ago, people thought that we were nuts for having four kids. If it were not for the monetary strains of having four children, we would have had at least 6 kids.

There is a line from my favorite piece of poetry, Desiderata by Max Ehrman,

"If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself."

Living with what you have and being thankful for it, is a major key to happiness, that many don't realize.

Your lifestyle is to be admired, at least by me.


Your quote is so true! I think many people are disappointed with their lives because they compare themselves to others or allow others to dictate who they are. So sad

Very sad!