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RE: Leg Godt (Lego)

in ThoughtfulDailyPost2 years ago (edited)

Stretching is very important indeed even before playing a sport, running or any kind of physical activity.

Though I don't practice yoga, the idea of Harmonizing body and mind appeals to me.

This may be completely unrelated but I read somewhere that Lego in Latin means to collect or gather. I can imagine stretching jogging, enjoying nature, and gathering/ collecting my thoughts.


Yes, it's a good practice to stretch before and after any exercise to make sure that the body is properly warmed up and conditioned.

That sure makes sense that Lego in Latin could mean collect or gather... But I think of Leg Godt = play well...and lego is the shortening for leg godt...and now I'm sounding like I'm gonna ask a riddle 🤣😂🤣

Yeah, you have nice gardens there is Japan, so I hope you do get out, even if it's just light stretches...the body needs it.

Thanks for stopping by...all good wishes for a great week ahead:)))

Lol. Have a great week @millycf1976

Thank you 😁