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RE: My Covid-19 journey, opinions and experiences

in MED-HIVE2 years ago

I remember you saying it was ridiculous every time you tested positive, it lasted for ages!

Tend to agree with you wholeheartedly on this one, we were vaccinated before going to school, as were my children. In fact they can tell exactly which country by the mark left behind.

This hoo-ha was all a hoax in my outlook, all the media hyped up, nightly numbers over the screen, yes some died how many were not from anything else but Covid?

For those who were affected/infected I am truly sorry for since panic tactics used no one will ever trust mass maniac media pumps, when they cry wolf.

Next time it may be really serious, no one will pay attention or listen!

Truth is out there somewhere, many got onto a quick rich ride, sorry at our age we will never get to know the truth, perhaps one day it will leak out, like it always does.

!WINEX - Enjoy life to it's full.
!PIZZA - Every slice of life should be fun, not the shit being dished up of late.


Yes, I've had SOME friends and relatives who died, from COMPLICATIONS because of pre-existing conditions, but no one I KNOW has died from the disease, if it really is one.
I used to have this meme/cartoon, two doctors on the putting green at the golf course.
One says to the other "I know! Let's invent a disease with no symptoms! They will never know if they are sick or not, and we'll make a fortune!"
I think that cartoon predicted the future, our present.
Thanks for commenting @joanstewart

Many elderly passed in last two years 2 out of 16 with Covid, I am talking of people in late 70 or 80's.

After being locked up many gave up will to live not being able to socialize, the way this whole matter was handled is the most despicable thing ever!

Domino effect is only starting, violence, poverty!