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RE: My Covid-19 journey, opinions and experiences

in MED-HIVE2 years ago

Saludos @jerrytsuseer gracias por compartir tu viaje cargado de experiencias y consideraciones. Complacida de conocerlas a través de la lectura de tu publicación.
Yo al igual que tú formo parte del equipo de salud. Es admirable tu vivir, tu sentir y la convicción como la expresas.
Cómo tu lo dices, es tu mirada, tu lado del prisma. Nadie es dueño de la verdad absoluta, porque hay multiplicidad de escenarios, aunado a nuestras creencias y cosmovisión.
Nos presentas a la discusión considerables aristas de lo que representa la complejidad del sistema de salud en tu país, el poder económico farmacéutico, tu añoranza por los médicos de familia y quizás un poco el rechazo a las nuevas tecnologías.
Sabes en parte te entiendo, con mis 25 años de ejercicio profesional. No obstante, debo reconocer las décadas precedentes, tuvieron cosas buenas y cosas no tan buenas; en ocasiones estuvo rodeada por considerables limitaciones en los avances tecnológicos y la expectativa de vida era inferior a la de hoy día.
Te confieso, cuando ya hemos transitado con años de experticia, como eres tu el ejemplo, nos volvemos un poco renuentes; en ocasiones me ha pasado pero reconozco las grandes bondades de la tecnología hoy día.
Nosotros con nuestra experiencia debemos consensuar y compartir con las generaciones que nos sustituirán; así permitiremos que el conocimiento y experiencia no se pierda, perdurando de generación en generación.
Te cuento una anécdota, en mi formación universitaria:: El Dr. Rodríguez era un Cirujano reconocido y admirado, brillante pero llegó un momento en que sus manos no le permitieron volver a operar. Pero esa limitación no le impidió, acudí como interno a varias intervenciones; todas ellas fueron una enseñanza. Utilizaba un banco especial para visualizar, controlar y dirigir la intervención, el "cerebro" y sus estudiantes graduados "sus manos". El trabajo en equipo.
Con respecto a las vacunas, considero que una persona con facultades mentales conservadas, debería tener el derecho a decidir si desea o no vacunarse. Sin embargo a ti te vacunaron chico igual que a mí y nuestras madres no nos consultaron, para ese momento.
Fue un gusto.
Feliz semana para ti, cuídate mucho.

Greetings @jerrytsuseer thanks for sharing your journey full of experiences and considerations. Delighted to learn about them through reading your post.
I, like you, am part of the healthcare team. It is admirable your life, your feelings and conviction as you express it.
As you say, it is your vision, your side of the prism. No one owns the absolute truth, because there is a multiplicity of scenarios, linked to our beliefs and worldview.
You present to the discussion considerable edges of what represents the complexity of the health system in your country, the pharmaceutical economic power, your longing for family doctors and perhaps a bit of rejection of new technologies.
You know that in part I understand you, with my 25 years of professional practice. However, I must admit that the previous decades had some good things and some not so good things; at times it was surrounded by considerable limitations in technological advances and life expectancy was lower than today.
I confess that when we already have years of experience, as you are the example, we become a little reluctant; sometimes it has happened to me but I recognize the great benefits of current technology.
We, with our experience, must reach a consensus and share with the generations that will replace us; in this way we will allow knowledge and experience not to be lost, enduring from generation to generation.
I tell you an anecdote from my university education: Dr. Rodriguez was a renowned and admired surgeon, brilliant, but there came a time when his hands would not allow him to operate again. You may ask yourself: What is a surgeon without his hands? But that limitation did not stop him, I went in as an intern to several interventions; all of them were a teaching. He used a special bench to visualize, control and direct the intervention, the "brain" and his graduate students "his hands". Teamwork.
As for other aspects, you are quite right and I share with you that the pharmaceutical company is a voracious, multi-tentacled monster.
As for vaccines, I believe that a person with his or her mental faculties preserved should have the right to decide whether to be vaccinated or not. However, you were vaccinated as a child, as was I, and our mothers did not consult us at the time.
It was a pleasure.
Happy week to you, take care.
Translated with (free version)
