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RE: The Walk, The Hike, The Journey

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Indeed. Salt is in everything packaged. Everything.

I quit eating pre-packaged meals and my salt intake dropped for sure.

When we first switched to being vegetarian, my wife Tam wanted to learn some new vegan\vegetarian recipes for us.

She ordered for a while from a place called Purple Carrot, which delivers a chilled box of raw veggies, tofu, spices, etc. once a week. Each box is packed with enough stuff to cook 4 evening meals\dinners for 2-3 people, and they're all vegetarian meals.

That really turned my weight around. Even though I have gained some of it back, I am still leaner and feel healthier than I did when I ate whatever.

She saved up the recipes and now she goes to the grocer, buy the veggies herself, and cook the meals.