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RE: January 21, 2021

We went to get em yesterday but they sold out. I'll pick up eight of em on Thursday morning. This week they had barred rocks, Rhode island reds, and Easter eggers, idk what types they'll have next. :)

We did get seeds though. Grass seed, chookie foraging mix seed, and some veg seed that we hadn't bought yet. I think we're all set for the year now.

 3 years ago  

I do love the barred rocks and RIR so much. Such gentle, stable birds. Adore them.

Oh fabulous! You've been short on seed since COVID or just stocking up?

Just stocking up. Getting ready for spring. We did a big seed buy with a few of us in our local budding liberty community here, so we just picked up some things that we didn't get in that group buy.

Got a work day coming up too where we're all gonna drive around to each other's places and help set up gardens. Composting, shoveling, digging, etc. The men's group had men and we're looking to network with these people, so this is a good way to establish a relationship with these other groups of similar mind.