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RE: On Enoughness

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

"Good" men, and Inuse the term loosely, cannot understand that society's pressures on women are little changed over centuries.

I couldn't agree more. When I talk to my 'good' husband about some things I feel deeply unhappy with, that I see are propping up a system of how we treat woman in society, he often doesn't see what I'm going on about. It seems such a tiny thing to him (for example, a sexist joke in an online forum when not one man calls it out) but for us, who have experienced it our whole lives, it's harder.

I've had a great and wonderful upbringing with beautiful, caring parents - didn't stop me being scarred. We carry a lot because of our position in society - and that's just white woman. I cannot even presume to understand what it might be like for black, or less able bodied.