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RE: What Do You Know About Intermittent Fasting?

in Natural Medicine11 months ago

If you study full water fasts, you will see that after 3-4 days, the body's hunger ends completely and eventually you understand that what you thought was hunger actually wasn't real. The hunger that most people experience in their lives is the result of belief systems and is to some extent created purely as a result of them. Most people can fast for 30-40 days before their real hunger begins and it is at that point that they should eat (or risk injury/death). The benefits of this are many, but if the person combines this with meditation and introspection they can catapult themselves into a much free-er, happier and healthier life - since they can much more easily release patterns and habits that are not serving them.

It's important to do proper research before doing this, though, as everyone is unique and has different needs - plus there are details that are important.


Thank you for leaving such a thoughtful comment! I have heard of people fasting for 40 days for religious reasons. I have never fasted longer than the fast I just finished (42 hours) and it wasn't really that bad. I didn't feel hungry until I ate. It was kind of weird. I don't think I'll be participating in a 30-40 day fast anytime soon, but it does sound interesting what you can learn from it!

You are welcome! The longest I have done is 2 weeks and I solved some of the issues I was having with my body in that period. I definitely recommend trying. :)
Lauren Lockman on Youtube and Dan 'The Life Regenerator' McDonald are worth watching on Youtube for this topic.

Thanks for the recommendations!! I will definitely look into them!

i did 41 days once, along with meditation & introspection. i feel gratitude for having had the opportunity to do that. i don't see to have the courage to repeat though, not even for a few days!

Whoa! That is a really long time!!

and very healing!

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