[ENG-ESP] Reusing a vegetable soup in a vegetable risotto! // Reutilizando una sopa de verduras en un risotto de verduras!

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago

Hello friends of Foodies, these days I have caught the flu so my mother made her classic vegetable soup that always lifts my spirits, she made a lot of it so when I recovered there was still soup left. So it occurred to me to eat something a little more elaborate taking advantage of the broth, so it occurred to me to improvise a risotto with the vegetables I had at home plus mom's vegetable soup!

Hola amigos de Foodies, estos dias me he pescado una gripe asi que mi madre hizo su clasica sopa de verduras que siempre me levanta el animo, hizo muchisima cantidad asi que cuando me recuperé aun quedaba sopa. Asi que se me ocurrio comer algo un poco mas elaborado aprovechando el caldo, asi que se me ocurrió improvisar un risotto con las verduras que tenia en casa mas la sopa de verduras de mamá!

To start with the risotto we are going to put a little butter in a pan and we are going to incorporate the first ingredient: minced garlic. The key to risotto is that you must cut all the vegetables to a size smaller than a grain of rice, because rice is the star ingredient. I didn't really want to be so delicate honestly haha Let's cut and add a little onion, bell peppers and tomato to the pan with butter and garlic.

Para comenzar con el risotto vamos a colocar un poco de manteca en una sarten y vamos a incorporar el primer ingrediente: ajo picado. La clave del risotto es que debes cortar todas las verduras de un tamaño mas pequeño que un grano de arroz, porque el arroz es el ingrediente estrella. Yo no tenia muchas ganas de ser tan delicada honestamente jaja Vamos a cortar e incoporar a la sarten con manteca y ajo un poco de cebolla, morrones y tomate.

Also I chopped up some chicken that was left over from lunch, if you want it to be 100% veggie just ignore this step.
When you are satisfied with the ingredients we are going to season, salt pepper oregano and paprika were my chosen condiments.

Ademas yo piqué un poco de pollo que habia sobrado del almuerzo, si tu quieres que sea 100% veggie simplemente ignora este paso. Cuando ya estes conforme con los ingredientes vamos a condimentar, sal pimienta oregano y pimenton fueron mis condimentos elegidos.

When our ingredients begin to sweat, it is time to incorporate the rice. I used half a cup of rice for this preparation. Let's incorporate it and gently mix it for a moment.

Cuando nuestros ingredientes comencien a sudar es el momento de incorporar el arroz. Yo utilicé media taza de arroz para ésta preparacion. Vamos a incorporarlo y mezclarlo delicadamente un momento.



When the rice is transparent we are going to incorporate the liquid, which in this case is the vegetable soup that must be hot! Since I used half a cup of rice, then logic says that I should add two cups of liquid. The ideal is to add the broth little by little, I incorporated everything together and covered the pan for 18 minutes over low heat.

Cuando el arroz esté transparente vamos a incorporar el liquido, que en éste caso es la sopa de verduras que debe estar caliente! como utilicé media taza de arroz entonces la logica dice que debo incoporar dos tazas de liquido. Lo ideal es agregar el caldo de a poco, yo incorporé todo junto y tapé la sarten por 18 minutos a fuego bajo.



And this was the end result! looks delicious right? well I was. The flavor of the vegetable soup was perfectly incorporated with the traditional flavor of the risotto, it was creamy and very healthy!

Y este fue el resultado final! tiene pinta de delicioso verdad? pues lo estaba. El sabor de la sopa de verduras se incorporó perfectamente con el sabor tradicional del risotto, quedó cremoso y muy saludable!

Thank you very much for reading my post!
a kiss and a hug, heypuch ♥

Muchas gracias por leer mi post! un beso y un abrazo, heypuch ♥
todas las fotos son de mi autoria

Wow, this recipe is really looking tasty. The only word I would say to describe this meal is amazing.

friend thanks for the good vibes! it was very delicious!

i will make its one day, I hope that it the delicious.

You should try it friend! greetings and thanks for the comment ♥

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sounds a great idea. I did similar thing sometimes for lazy quick dinner 😄

The good thing about salty food is that you can do it in different ways because the process is not so specific, unlike pastry where the recipes are not very modifiable. I really like reusing dishes to turn them into others so as not to waste food and to save steps for cooking! haha thanks for the support of always friend ♥ greetings from Argentina

I feel like I’m seeing something awesome and my mouth is getting quite eager to taste it. You have presented very nicely.

Thanks for reading my post and leaving a comment! Greetings from Argentina ♥

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