"Ginger Pork-Shougayaki ぶた肉の生姜焼き” [English and Japanese]

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago


"Ginger Pork-Shougayaki"

I cooked ginger pork which is called Shougayaki (生姜焼き) in Japanese the other day. Shougayaki is a very simple, easy, and soul food in Japan. There are many local restaurants that sell Shougayaki. Shougayaki Teishoku (生姜焼き定食) is very reasonable and filling. Teishoku means set meal in Japanese. There is Shougayaki as a main dish with miso soup, rice, and salad for Shougayaki Teishoku.

I didn't prepare white rice this time. I cooked omelet rice, vegetables, and Shougayaki this time. This looks like non-traditional Shougayaki Teishoku but it was very delicious!





・Pork 250-300g for 2 people
・Onion 1
・Mushrooms 2
・Green onions 2-3 bunches
・Sesame oil 2-3 teaspoons
・Ground ginger 3 teaspoons


・Sugar 1-2 tablespoons
・Hondashi or fish dashi 2-3 teaspoons
・Cooking sake 2 tablespoons
・Mirin (sweet sake) 2-3 tablespoons
・Soy sauce 3-4 tablespoons

・Cooking time is about 30 minutes including the preparation time.


・ぶた肉 250gー300g 2人分
・玉ねぎ 1個
・きのこ 2個
・小ネギ 2−3本 (ねぎは1本)
・ごま油 小さじ2−3
・すりおろししょうが 小さじ3


・さとう 大さじ1−2
・ほんだし 小さじ2−3
・料理酒 大さじ2
・みりん 大さじ2−3
・しょうゆ 大さじ3−4



  1. Cut green onions into small pieces.
  2. Cut onion into thin slices.
  3. Cut mushrooms into thin slices.
  4. Cut pork into edible sizes.
  5. Grind ginger.

1. 小ネギをみじん切りにする。
2. 玉ねぎを薄くスライスする。
3. きのこを薄く切る。
4. ぶた肉を食べやすいサイズに切る。
5. しょうがをすりおろす。


  1. Put all ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Add all seasonings.
  3. Mix well and soak it and leave it for a while.

1. 全ての食材をボールに入れる。
2. 調味料を入れる。
3. よく混ぜ合わせ、しばらくつけておく。


  1. Heat a frying pan.
  2. Pour sesame oil into the frying pan.
  3. Add everything from the bowl.
  4. Cook it at high heat at first and then medium heat.

1. フライパンを熱する。
2. ごま油をフライパンにひく。
3. ボールの食材を全てフライパンに入れる。
4. はじめは強火で炒め、その後中火で炒める。

I had it with omelet rice and vegetables. The second day was also very good!


My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1


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