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RE: Europa, Australien und das größere Ganze

I had a seemingly "last freedom day" yesterday (11/18) with friends from France who are here in Vienna until the Weekend.

they rented a super AirB&B Lerchenfelderstraße 71 - this is the Kitchen

Today (11/19) the News are rolling in from all sides. TOTAL LOCKDOWN STARTING MONDAY! So then I thought: why not indefinite?
Should our Government here in Austria be at a loss how to proceed further, then all they would have to do is look at our Kangaroo cousins in Australia:
Head of Australia Medical Association 'Lockdown is indefinite' 'The only way to stop the virus is to stop people talking to each other, meeting each other, breathing on each other or coughing on each other'
One fitting comment was:
The only way to stop deaths from traffic accidents is to seize all vehicles and never go anywhere unless we can walk there. People should ponder exactly why we don't do that.


Es ist mir unbegreiflich, wie leicht diese Widerkehr des offenen Faschismus möglich war! Ohne nennenswerten Widerstand.
Wenn es wenigstens wirklich eine gefährliche Seuche wäre.
Aber de facto werden die Todesfälle aufgrund der Maßnahmen und der "Impfungen" höher sein als die aufgrund des Virus.