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RE: Obi-Wan Kenobi - If you hate it you are Racist, If you like it you are Woke

in CineTV2 years ago

I watched it! And, yes, I found the exact same issues that you did - Obi-Wan not getting caught for stealing food, finding his light saber so incredibly easy, and that chase scene that should have lasted about 3 seconds. It'll get better. It needs to get better, because I'm undoubtedly going to watch the rest of them as well.

And yeah, I'm tired of the racist/woke howling because of this or that, too. The producer's need to find the right actor to portray the right character and, beyond that, I personally don't give a shit if the person is black, white, purple, or has four unique sexes. Some people have too much time on their hands and nothing else to bitch about.


finding his light saber so incredibly easy

not even finding it easy, the idea of hiding it in the middle of the desert 😁 don't they know how deserts work? what if there is a was a 20 meter dune when he wants to dig it up 😄

i do hope that it will get better. and yes i will watch it. i am a sucker for sci-fi and i don't mind easy entertainment. They just need to cut off with the obvious stupidity.

yap it has nothing to do with racist/woke, they are just making excuses for lazy writing and bad characters. maybe it will get better. but with that chase scene and with people working on it saying "that looks good", i have my fears 😄