Why is imagination a key element of success in the lives of all children?

in Education3 years ago


Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination Spreads the World - Albert Einstein

Education has always focused on knowledge. And it is not surprising, because why do children go to school? For study! However, there is an omission in this simple educational model. The presence of specific skills in a given subject will take the student far, but what will really motivate him to action is imagination.

It is the ability to fantasize that leads humanity to new inventions, scientific discoveries, and encourages people to create incredible works of art. However, there is an opinion that fantasies have no place in the educational process, as they only distract students from more important things.

I will show you 5 reasons why imagination is a key element of success in children's lives.

La imaginación alimenta la pasión por el conocimiento


Every person, at least once in their life, wondered. This question and a rich imagination often lead people to unexpected discoveries and sensations. After all, the inventions and technologies that humanity uses today did not appear by chance: at first it was all just someone's fantasy.

And what do children do when they don't understand something or don't know? Imagine, of course! They ask thousands of questions about how humans, nature, and the world around them work, and then improve this information by playing and fantasizing. Sometimes this method of acquiring knowledge is far more effective than any practical classroom activity.

Imagination drives creativity and innovation


Many people have an incredible gift for thinking outside the box. They are able to find an approach to any situation, solve problems of any complexity and scale thanks to their imagination and ingenuity.

Without this creative force, the internet, smartphones, airplanes, and other amazing technologies that have long been an integral part of our lives might not have emerged. Who knows, there might be a dreamer in your class who will one day make a discovery of world significance.

Imagination helps you overcome the limits of your own abilities and beliefs.


The most dangerous limits live in our thoughts and fantasies. If a person cannot imagine himself running a marathon, he is actually unlikely to participate in it. It all starts with the imagination and the limits that we set ourselves.

Imagination is magic


What could be more magical than stories made up by children? Just a few minutes of watching a child play are enough to experience the magic that comes from their imagination. Who else can turn a simple box into a mighty rocket, a laundry basket into a pirate ship, and a simple bath in a bottomless ocean? Perhaps our world would be so much more beautiful if everyone experienced the same heartfelt joy and surprise every day.

Imagination distracts from brutal reality


The endless stream of news about violence, crime, disease and disasters will make anyone believe that the world is falling apart. But opting for creativity and imagination gives many people hope. And where there is hope, ultimately, there is an opportunity for transformation. So why not try to use the power of imagination to improve humanity and the world?


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I agree. As a student, I wish that our schools allowed us to be more creative in classes, rather than just shoving information in our brains and expect us to memorize it all during quizzes.