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RE: Day 335& 122,170 KIA, Tanks for Ukraine! Abrams is coming! Bradley's landed!

in Deep Diveslast year

Of you want to discuss that's one thing. Being hostile about things and living in a delusional state thinking this is going to be an easy fix?

Russian federation got itself sanctions more than any other country in the world. It's getting it's economy ripped and cut out of the international banking system.

Russia invaded and is threatening the world with nuclear way and your idea is appeasement?

Enabling this conflict to burn out with Russia defeating itself? Or letting them rebuild and retry in a couple years.... Which saves the most lives. Another war doesn't.

And besides not like your diplomacy is going to work let alone your idea even have weight in this conflict.

I don't personally attack you and then pretend that wasn't offensive... You did...

Discussion is one thing. Forcing your idea on others and demanding recognition of those words? Might not work the best.


Whatever, I am not interested in these games of blaming others ego.

My point is that war is never a solution. It's a universal simple truth. I hope one day you come to realize that as well.

Violence is the gold standard. You should probably look up the Robert Heinlein starship troopers quote on that.

If you don't think violence has solved anything I'd ask you to go have a conversation with the survivors of Hiroshima and nagasaki.

However it is when good people use violence in good ways that the world gets changed.

Simply having wishful thinking isn't going to change the world.

violence is the absence of love and only love can heal this world. It is a truth that will set this world free - but yes, unfortunately too many people are still stuck in the "violence is good" etc. mind set. Until then we will perpetuate hell on Earth