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RE: Supporter Video | Research gate banns scientists for paper on "wearing masks"

in Deep Dives3 years ago

yeah, I think that before she was adopted, they put the narrative inside her probably just telling it to her over and over in China, before she was adopted - don't agree with it, but it did make a heart warming moment for the parents like you said - now they can of course, raise her the way they want - about vaxing people who already have had the virus - that of course makes no sense to me as well - most likely they want to make demand because they have a lot of vax they want to sell - the vax seems to work in a way that not normal vax don't though, they were talking about people having to take it long term - not sure if that is just the news cycle or they really mean it - thanks for the comment!


The only mRNA vaccine ever developed and tested on humans so far was for H10N8 and H7N9, they had a live virus to use in the H7N9 but had to go the eye of newt route with the other and use a quail surrogate, which differed in the dosage amounts required between the two. One sub group, I think if I remember right out of three they quit because of adverse effects but there were shots then booster shots given, the final analysis was they could produce a robust immune response using mRNA technology. That wasn't really surprising given it was an influenza and not a corona but they added a side note that there was no guarantee of the same results if a pandemic broke out....probably because it would depend on what type of influenza it was. They've also used and are currently in trial with a rabies vaccine though they could not make that one injectable without serious side effects but they went to trial using oral vaccine. Zika trial is also going on using mRNA vaccine but the results won't be finished until the end of July. They were also about to enter a study on MMA, it's a childhood disease where the kids usually don't live past age 12, they were approved for the study and asking for participants for the study when covid broke, and well, you know, more little Jonathan will just have to wait, if ever, because it said the study was dropped for financial dollar signs rolling in their eyeballs kind of financial it would seem. Anyway, study in mice in that trial showed it worked but the shots had to be repeated, meaning if successful they can't do as they had been promoting of "fixing" the broken cells using this technology, the kids would have to be on it for a lifetime....which is better than dying, that's if also there would be no long term detrimental effects. There has also been studies using it against cancer but I can't find any research papers on them thus far.

I was going to mention but forgot that my brother got covid and I told him you don't need to take the shot because you have developed innate immunity. They told him he needed it anyway so he got the shot. Not even a month later he got covid again. My niece also, her college made her get the shot in order to come back to school. She went to Florida on spring break and ended up getting