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RE: ECOTRAIN QOTW SEASON 10.3 - What habits or addictions, both good and bad, have you developed and which you would like to get rid of?

in ecoTrain2 years ago

Hello @abatoms I use to eat late at night because of the nature of my work but I found a solution which I would like to suggest for you and maybe it might work for you. Now I eat early, which is healthy, but I always work through the night. So I make sure to have vegetables washed and perhaps chopped neatly I bowl. Veggies like cucumber, carrots, or cabbage and with lots of water. It helps to kill your craving for food at night. I hope this helps.

Lovely post. Thank you for participating in the QOTW!


Woww, Thank you for this. I will try it out and hope it works for me. Am iI supposed to take the vegetables during the day or how?