
Looking back 2018/19 we'll be near 15k BTC for a very short period of max 2-3 weeks, there will be flash crashes on Exchanges to 10k or lower. We've seen that even on Binance happening before. If I remember correctly, in 2018 BTC crashed to nearly 0 on Binance for a couple of seconds, destroying all the long positions on that platform indefinitely and they claim it was a whale and not a technical issue or themselves.

I can't talk about ETH right now, because a lot will be depending on the progress and successes of their merger and litrally none knows how that will work out.

This is not about the crypto market, it's about the markets overall and the liquidity in circulation. The central bankers are going All-in right now, they want the marks dry as Hotel Towel to stop the 2022 Inflationrampage. 2023 will be better again, but this year it's ... devastation.