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RE: What Happened to a Sense of Purpose

in Reflections3 months ago

I think men once men get grey hair, that really ages us, especially if we follow current trends and grow a beard. A grey or white beard makes you look like a grandpa, no matter how smooth and young the skin under it looks. It's always amusing to me how when I grow a full beard people will call me grandpa, but when I go clean shaven, I'm back to oniisan half the time. I think that shows that people don't really look closely and just quickly use external clues to make a snap judgement about a person.

Anyway, I think your self exploration here is good. Keep doing it. As for service, is there a Boys & Girls club near you that you could volunteer at? Those kids always need help and a good role model. Or maybe help around shelving books or playing with kids at a local library?