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RE: Owning Failure

in Reflectionslast year

I look back on a few decisions I've made in the past and feel some regret (shame sometimes) at them, but there's a caveat.

I consider who I was at the time and what I knew and usually figure I made the decision at that time, based on those things. It lets me off the hook a little I guess. Then I think about what I learned, or what I could learn by looking back and understanding the situation with 20/20 hindsight, and that helps me move it all forward a little better.

These things (and many other concepts) help me to make better decisions today, and that means less likely hood of regret later.

I think many people are too hard on themselves for some of the things they have done or had happen...they attach little stories to those things and blame themselves. It's unproductive though, best to fucken own it, the bad decision or failure, and move on better for it and with a new plan.

Just my two cents worth...but what do I know, I'm a nutbag.


You may believe yourself to be a nutbag, but I think you're a wise one. It's a good way to deal with it I think and maybe being able to compartmentalise it like that will help.

Would I make different (better) decisions if I could do it all again? Absofuckinglutely I would so I suppose that's progress, but it doesn't entirely erase the regret I feel.

Having a life filled with regrets is not the one I want to lead, but we're just as human as the next person and failing at life in certain aspects is part of the human condition I suppose.

I appreciate your 2cents, I always do 🦋