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RE: No Fun at Parties

in Reflections3 months ago

The issue you're dancing around is that the internet age allows people to express with impunity. Before that, you had a very real risk of being punched in the face whenever you were around people.

Everyone had an instinctive understanding that they should say things according to unwritten social laws, and behave accordingly, lest they want to wake up with two black eyes or missing chunks of hair.

That comes with a kind of forced expectation to understand each other on some level as every social interaction has a kind of subtle underbelly of 'maintaining the peace but prepare for war', even in the friendliest exchanges.

Most people most of their time can now say what they want and only get written feedback, so in their very few in-face exchanges, they feel slighted whenever their unhindered opinions get questioned and they can't just block or change the algorithm away. It's right there in their face and they have to deal with it but they don't know how.

I suggest to them to just punch you in the face next time you make them uncomfortable! Over time y'all'll (new word?) figure it out and be best buddies in no time