Sitting at lunch with a couple colleagues, we got onto lifespan and how men die earlier. In Finland, the life expectancy for those born in 2020 is 79 for boys and 84.6 for women. While there are plenty of joke reasons as to why this is the case, and there are also genetic factors too, for the most part, it is largely behavioral, often driven by cultural and social norms. Men partake in riskier work activities, leisure activities, and healthcare activities.
Men die first across all age groups.
It isn't just that at 79 years of age men die and the women live on, it is that a significant percentage of the male population is taken out of circulation on the journey, and never make it to old age. The average is an average for a reason, and the average age of women is increasing at a faster rate than that of men, which is likely due to more focus being put on women's health than it was in the past, better natal care, and more control over their health in general.
But this got me thinking a bit about the "future" of our species, as there could be some very large changes coming to the way we organize ourselves. For the most part, I believe we are heading into quite a dystopic period of humanity, but it might also be interesting. For instance, whilst I have written extensively about how artificial intelligence is going to replace many of the areas where we are able to add value and most of us will be left without any way to earn, that is only part of the issue. Because if we can't earn, how do we consume?
An economy is driven by supply and demand of goods and services, but at the global level, it comes down to money (of some kind) as the medium of exchange. But, what perhaps is going to be the biggest change to the global economy in the future, isn't the revolution of money, but the evolution of energy supply. Because at some point, that dream of clean, endless energy, will be achieved. Where the power it takes to produce fission energy, is less than the output.
Limitless clean doesn't just make paying an electricity bill redundant, it unleashes our creative power to innovate without the constraints of conserving energy. This means that we are able to design in fundamentally different ways, meaning that a production machine can produce at much faster rates. This also means that robotics and automation driven by artificial intelligence is unconstrained also.
We can't compete.
As I see it, at this point the majority of us will have nothing to do that adds any economic value to the world, which means we will be free to add value in other ways. Of course, this is completely dependent on whether we maintain course on what we value now which will lead to oppression, starvation, and disaster; or completely change how we value humans, which I see as unlikely at this point.
Yet, going back to the start of this article with how men's behavior is probably the leading cause of dying earlier than women, even if we are free to do as we please, will our behaviors facilitate quality lives and wellbeing? If we consider that we have innovated in ways that mean that most of us no longer have to fight to eat a meal daily, rather than it making us better, we have just got fatter on average. An easier life doesn't seem to lead to the best version of ourselves, does it?
Living longer shouldn't be our goal in life, living better should be. If what we are doing isn't leading to us leading a better life on average as a species, we are probably doing it wrong. Of course innovation is needed and will bring all kinds of unexpected and unintended drawback, as well as a few positive surprises. But ultimately, if all the innovations are directed toward producing more, faster, so that we can consume more, faster, we are unlikely going to be the picture of health as a society.
Man, woman, and however else one currently identifies - all will suffer on average.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Sam Altman's UBI experiment pretty much killed the concept. The people who received $1000/month for 3 years, ended with a lower net worth than those given $50/month.
Media pieces tried to spin it, but the actual study is pretty clear.
We've been through similar events. The printing press, the weaving loom.
When 95% of workers were farmers, the invention of the tractor was a devastating blow.
Back then, and I expect in future; it won't be about which jobs survive, it'll be about which new jobs are created.
I like to imagine the things I'd hire people to do if I had billions of dollars and AI was perfect.
Anything which saves me time would be up there. Imagine a team of me experts. People who've studied me for years to get a taste for my preferences. I send them all on holiday, all the time, to various places in the world. They report back with recommendations.
Then I only go to places I'm confident I'll like, but I still have the novelty of not having been there yet.
That sounds absurdly decadent, and it is; but to people hundreds of years ago our entire lives right now would look absurdly decadent.
There will still be jobs.
I wonder how many could be employed in such ways and how many just become slaves and playthings of the rich? Diddy did it. I really think it ends up dystopic when people don't have meaningful ways to spend their time. A lot of what people see as "meaningful" now might only be so because it is not done for money. However, if not needing money, does it still hold the same meaning?
Imagine how many people will be travelling to the places you might want to go.
AI and automation will take over more and more areas, not sure how will we live better with nothing for the majority of the population to do... Seems like it will all lead to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer at an increasing rate...
It is rich richer, and the rest to the incinerator.
It seems as though alot of late teens/young adults spend an inordinate amount of time playing video games. They want the UBI so they don't have to go out and find gainful employment, leaving them free to game all day and night. Some say they would work if they could be game developers. Fine, bring it to Hive!
The soft life of a 'professional' gamer will make for a weak body, leading to an early demise. I don't know if it's true everywhere, but here there are many, many more men involved in this lifestyle than women. It doesn't bode well for humanity.
Not to leave out the girls, though! They can spend hours in front of a mirror, playing with makeup and hair, then taking multitudes of selfies...again, soft life - weak body. These examples of human behavior will ultimately lead to lower and lower life expectancies I believe, though both sexes will have exceedingly soft hands lol
UBI - without realizing what that actually means and requires. It seems many want to live the dream of never having to work and just live on handouts.
Need skills to apply.
That female vanity you mention also seems to be leading to more "cover up" behavior, where they buy products, surgery or build an attitude that says that they don't have to be healthy, they can love themselves as is.
Healthspan over the lifespan, as the immortality researchers always say to me.
longevity is useless without health alongside it.
Right, isn't it?
My wife has always said she wants to go before me. I think it's a bit selfish, but also kind of sweet that she doesn't want to live without me. I've noticed that sometimes people go back to work after they retire because they need the money, but then there are those who just want to be busy. They don't need the money, but they just want to feel like they are contributing and many times they are willing to do those jobs that other people wouldn't want to do, so maybe one day if we can break out of the pay check to pay check cycle, we might see more people focusing on beautification of our communities and things like that.
Or she wants you to suffer after :D
That sense of "contributing" gives a sense of worth. I imagine that person who can't work for a long period because of illness and has to rely on family to support, must feel pretty crappy.
My friend is actually in that position right now and yes it wears on him a lot. They don't need his income, but he still likes to feel as though he is offering something.
I can say it is the same for men in my country, but earlier like 60s. Perhaps, it is because men sacrifice themselves a lot 🙄
Sacrifice a lot, or don't take care of enough? :D
First one
Speaking about longevity and health. Hive price is finally looking more decent. Do you think that this is beginning of the Bull run?
No I don't. But it is nice to see some movement still :)
Interesting prespective...
I read your writings it was very interesting. the life of men is very diverse.Thank you, I learned a lot from your post