
in Reflections24 days ago

So many of the recommendations we have on ho to live our life these days, is about what we can do for ourselves, what actions we can take. We are made to believe that "we can do anything" and if we don't, then it is our failure. And on the other side, whenever we do fail, we are told that it is because we are victims, that it isn't our fault, that we should be upset, scream and shout, cry, get depressed and lash out.


But, what is far less advertised is not what we do, but how we react. Because the fact is, the vast majority of things we experience are outside of our control. So, how we react to these things is going to dictate how we feel about our lives. If we feel that we are the ones that are meant to be in control of everything, we are going to feel like a failure. If we believe that we have no power over events at all, we are going to feel victimized. And, I think that part of the reason that so many of us are "suffering" with a lot of mental issues, is that we haven't built up resilience in how to cope with all the things that we don't have control over.

I was talking with a friend today about patience and how little we have these days because of on-demand services for everything. People can't spend five minutes to walk to a restaurant to pick up their lunch, they have it delivered to their door. They can't wait for next week to watch a program, they binge a season in a night. And, while I feel it too, I at least have the perspective (as does he) of not living in this kind of service world.

It used to take five minutes for an image to load on the internet at times, and there were no streaming services.

It is actually going to be interesting, because apparently most of the streaming services are going to start having adverts before, after and during streams. Their whole model was that we would pay in order not to see the ads, but now we are addicted to having it on-demand, they are going to make us pay for what we used to get for free.

How are impatient people going to cope?

They will pay more to get into an ad-less tier.

Coping mechanisms

an adaptation to environmental stress that is based on conscious or unconscious choice and that enhances control over behavior or gives psychological comfort.

But the coping mechanism for discomfort today is actually a defense mechanism, which is avoidance of the discomfort. Rather than learning how to deal with the source of discomfort, we will look to avoid it altogether, burying our faces even deeper into screens. And, because from a young age there are so many ways to escape discomforts, we aren't getting the experiences necessary to not only build the resilience, but also develop the neural pathways for being able to self-manage.

It is no wonder that trigger reactions are so volatile.

Our reactions matter. Yet, we spend a lot of time working on our actions, as if they aren't going to cause reactions that we are going to have to face also. Again, it is no wonder that people act so entitled these days, because they also feel that their shouldn't be any negative consequences for their behavior. They act in their own self interest in ways that affect others, without any regard for the others. And then are genuinely surprised when the affected, who are also acting in their own self-interest, react badly.

It is a race to the bottom of human behavior.

We don't have any control over how other are actually going to react, but we can predict and influence the outcomes by considering how they might. However, if we continually have to tiptoe around the broken minds of so much of society, we are going to get weaker and weaker, having continuously less discomfort, which lowers the bar for what makes us uncomfortable.

And while we don't have control over other's reactions, we do have the opportunity to control our own. Over the years, I have been ridiculed for even suggesting that people should learn to control their emotions, because so many people have bought into the convenient idea of showing them, regardless of whether they are valid, or regardless of whether their emotional outbursts affect others. It is impressive how humans can justify bad behavior, because it is easier.

It is always easier not to learn.

Until it gets harder, because we haven't learned enough.

It takes too much time to observe, investigate, learn, practice and make habit all the different skills that make a good life. So, it is far more common just to learn nothing and blame the world for a bad life. The stress is caused by too much work, not because of poor self-management skills. The financial hardship is caused by the rich, not because no investigation or investments were made into wealth development. The loneliness is because there aren't any suitable people we want, not because we are not a suitable person.

The reason we can't cope in life, is always someone else's fault.

How slowly we learn.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


My wife and I started getting our groceries delivered during Covid and now that we could go shopping again we have just decided not to. I want to say it doesn't have anything to do with patience or wanting something on demand, but really it just boils down to the fact that people are morons these days. They are completely self absorbed and have zero situational awareness. Quite honestly, my time is more important than dodging people down an aisle who are either focused solely on their phone or in their own little world having a conversation with someone over the phone. On the occasion that their ambivalence causes them to run into you, you get a dirty look like it was your fault. I'll pass thanks.

They are completely self absorbed and have zero situational awareness.

I wonder how much of the self-absorption is due to the entitlement in the culture now? Was it this way 20 years ago?

No, I don't feel like it used to be like this.

It frustrates me when people have no spatial awareness in the supermarket.

so many people have bought into the convenient idea of showing them, regardless of whether they are valid, or regardless of whether their emotional outbursts affect others.

A lot of people do really think that it's better to show emotions than control them. I'm not saying that it isn't okay to show them... It's just that one should know how to control showing it so that it will not end like a violent emotional outburst. Me and my sister often have fights on that topic because she thinks that controlling emotions is repressing them; in fact, I didn't suggest repressing them, rather it's just she needs to learn controlling them. She's emotionally volatile these days, and I really tried to understand her because I've been through that phase. I'm constantly reminding her to control her emotions and not let them control her because her negative emotions are really strong and contagious. Personally, as much as possible, I try to control how I absorb and react to these emotions because I know they will really matter and make a difference.

The problem is that people claim that their emotions are "theirs", but can't choose not to react when they feel them. Without emotional control, the emotion isn't owned. And emotions are responses to perception, so they will feel something, even if it isn't a valid thing to feel - so people respond to a misunderstanding, as if the reaction is appropriate, even when it is not.

There is definitely a difference between repression and control. Yet, the people who aren't willing to learn control, aren't willing to admit the difference.

The problem is that people claim that their emotions are "theirs", but can't choose not to react when they feel them.

Exactly, a person can't fully own his or her emotions if he or she can't control them; rather, if he or she lets his or her emotions control him or her, then it is like letting one's emotions own himself or herself.

As for explaining to her the difference between repression and control, it's truly hard since she's probably one of the people who failed or chose to fail to see the difference between those two.

What a great reflection... I can relate so much with your reflection exercise!

The loneliness is because there aren't any suitable people we want, not because we are not a suitable person.

Many times I consider myself half broken, 'cause I feel like I like a alien type of person... heading for trying to "see" things differently.

Thankfully, I'm more the type of the ones that blame himself for being unable to accept how things occur, and for many times being incapable of seeing the bright side of situations.

But one thing is for sure, I'm not in the "rush mode" of having the absolute need of having everything on demand at the moment ;)

I wonder if there were a binary option of "blame self" and "blame others" which leads to greater self-development?

You are absolutely right... We travel from side to side, even in the same though, I cannot imagine to maintain always the "same" option... Well, but that can be seen as a "positive" thing. Change is always expected and can happens even in the most stubborn bloke!

I think it is because people seek comfort, and the easy way all the time. This has usually led to a lot of advancements in technology. Going to the prehistoric days, it can be the knowledge of farming and agriculture, so they didn't have to rely on hunting all the time. Or the invention of the wheel. The people of today barely send hand written mail today, or walk/run/bike 5k to work.

That is what we are still seeing today. Why lose concentration at work to get food, when they can have it delivered. I'm not saying it's good, but that is just how people are wired.

I think it is because people seek comfort, and the easy way all the time. This has usually led to a lot of advancements in technology.

As you pointed out, to get comfort in the past, it required advancing technology by building better tools. Now, that is not the case - it is avoiding development in favor of entertainment.

Now, that is not the case

I don't think that's the case now. I don't know if you've heard, but there are a lot of advancements in AI and Robotics. Those can provide better services in a lot of sectors. Programmers are getting better at debugging with AI. The combination of AI and robotics can open up space exploration and terraforming. Blockchain is trying to improve financial security and availability. People are still building better tools, you just got to look beyond the noisy ones.

Are you suggesting that “we must adapt” to deal with what we cannot control? That our mental health will depend on this adaptation? What does the relationship immediacy⇋patients combine for new forms of monetization? Well, we live in fast times, we all want to have the exclusive.

I remember when I had my first Kenbak-1 (1975) and the time I spent loading the MS-DOS program. Today, with an IMAC III, the charging time is one thousandth of the Kenbak-1. I've certainly adapted to it and wouldn't change the response time of the IMAC III; never go back.

Every business looks for the best ways to generate profits with a minimum investment. You do it in your job, if you didn't generate those profits, you would surely have undertaken another activity.

We adapt⇋resilience, or we will remain as antiques, forgotten in a museum…

I've certainly adapted to it and wouldn't change the response time of the IMAC III; never go back.

But, how do you feel when forced into a different frame? Or, do you feel like most that you are entitled to everything fast?

The problem I see today is that people are adapting to a life of ease at a young age, assuming it will always be so. Now, younger workers are unable to make it through a typical workday, or are unable to take instruction, let alone take criticism.

Today I was in my garden for 10 hours and didn’t look at the Internet. I cut the grass, picked onions and other greens. I rested and did my work slowly and was a joy. It’s evening now and I’m reading the Hive feed, today I don’t need any other information, I want to sleep, I’m just happy :)

Sounds like a nice day - do you want to do my lawn tomorrow? ;D

I was talking with a friend today about patience and how little we have these days because of on-demand services for everything.

I have plenty patience when it comes to my art. It is a shame that I have little patience for anything else...

What is the difference do you think?

I think that since I am more passionate about my art time flies faster than I am creating something.

It is impressive how humans can justify bad behavior, because it is easier.

My cousin was enrolled in a gym to improve his health and physical appearance.
He quit after a week. He said it was hard and he can’t follow the workout diets.
I told him:
“It’s a new lifestyle, you will adjust to it eventually. Its for your own good, be patient and consistent.” Seems that was too much to ask. What is more, there are people that tell him he should take pride in his appearance.

It’s sad. We learn slowly? No, we don’t learn at all.

Most people know what they need to do, but don't know enough to actually do it.

As I used to teach the little ones: Sometimes in life, despite giving your best try and effort, you still lose. You need to learn from this experience and become even better.

There is no such thing as only upside.

There is to some degree, if you are very lucky, but when this randomly happens (see people getting multimillionaires with 2-3K from memecoins) this brings misfortune, as we are not ready for that level. You know, beginner's luck can mess up your life seriously.

Wow, I totally relate to this bruv😳🫡🫡🫡💯. Sometimes, things just pile up on me like crazy, and it feels like I can't handle anything. It's comforting to know others go through it too and it's normal 🙈. Thanks for sharing your experience. Brother.. wishing the best for you bro

It is normal to have things pile up - but is it normal to not be able to handle it?

Well I guess you're right on that buddy... it's not Normal at all and I keep pushing myself everyday to overcome it and make progress.. your blog is super inspiring brother 💯👌

It is just sad that no matter how some people try, they still lose. Do you think there may be a good day or hope for them and they can win?
Is it possible for someone to keep trying something for the rest of his life and still not win?

Each is able to develop something good for themselves by trial and error, where all benefit, tailor, baker, farmer etc. Once a week visit to local stores enjoy chatting to folk, listening to their views or problems being faced.

Ability to think for ourselves, is being stripped down by false promise of things being 'easier' with technology. Blame is always laid at the feet of another, sign of poor self-management skills.

'Oh so lonely bad behaviour', created by not getting out when able, learning more, making human contact, discussing possible solutions, attitudes have changed with an 'I know everything' approach.

Really miss the days when we were younger, sat discussing many facets of life, trials and tribulations we were living with during that period.