Ovo je prelep cvet.Ovo je moj Božićni kaktus koji je sad procvetao.Prošle godine u leto mi je mama dala pelcer ali eto nije procvetao za božić nego sa malim zakašnjenjem.Prvi put imam u kući ovaj cvet.Osećam se lepo i veliko zadovoljstvo osećam dok posmatram ove biljke koje negujem i koje uzvraćaju cvetanjem.To cveće kao da govori,kao da na taj način uzvraća ljubav koju mu pružim.
This is a beautiful flower. This is my Christmas cactus that has now bloomed. Last year in the summer my mom gave me a pelcer but it did not bloom for Christmas but with a slight delay. I have this flower in the house for the first time. while I observe these plants that I nurture and that reciprocate with flowering. Those flowers seem to speak, as if in that way he reciprocates the love I give him.
Pozdrav od vaše Dorike
Greetings from your Dorika