DigBee - Hive’s Holo Creature!🐝

Name: DigBee 🐝
Type: Earth ⛰️ / Flying ✈️
It's interesting since HoloZing is a game created on the Hive Blockchain that we have some creature that resembles a bee in the HoloZing universe, I think the bee could be our version of Pokémon's Eevee, having several elements. Just as my element is Earth, I thought about creating an Earth Bee, whose main elements are: Earth and Flying.
The name ‘DigBee’ is a mix of the words Dig and Bee, to represent a bee that is of the Earth element and can dig. Since unlike “normal” bees that build their hives in plants and trees, Digbee builds them underground to have even greater protection. The interesting thing is that since Holozing is a game that takes place in a digital world, where players put on a device to enter a world of Holographic creatures, you can think of Dig as Digital too. After all, it is still a digital creature from the HoloZing universe.
Lore 🐝
Previously a common HoloZing bee, in its base version of “BEE”, this bee's hive was always under attack, so seeking protection, Bee tried to adapt and in this process found in Earth the safety it so longed for. Over time and with contact with the earth, Bee became an Earth bee called DigBee.
Abilities 🐝
Since DigBee is an Earth bee, its abilities involve this element. Also, as in Pokemon we have 4 abilities, DigBee will also have:
- Digee 🕳️ → This ability makes Digbee start digging a tunnel, dodging an enemy attack and in the next turn it appears under the enemy causing damage!
- Stingee 💉 → Being a bee, DigBee has a powerful stinger that was strengthened by the earth element, turning it into a metal stinger that causes a lot of damage and paralyzes the target.
- Hivenium Wings 🔊 → Here I thought of a name that reminded me of a type of mineral (adamantium) and the hive as well. This ability makes DigBee vibrate its wings to cause sonic waves that cause damage and confuse the enemy.
- Hive Guard 🛡️ → The last, but perhaps the best ability is the Hive Guard. To protect their hive, some DigBee protectors of the hive develop this ability, which gives an increase in defense and increases the HP of allies, healing them.

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