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RE: The French - La Francesa / STORY [ENG-ESP]

in Writing Club3 years ago

Interesting story @jcrodriguez , I enjoyed it. I also anticipated the ending a little bit.
However, because the gender of the pronouns didn't translate correctly in a few places, which was confusing. Such an interesting twist, No?

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Thanks for the support and for commenting. Yes, I am practicing my translations. Thank you!

Well, if you did this, then I applaud you. I speak English but barely a little Spanish. I read a tad of Spanish, French, German and some Japanese, but just enough to get me in trouble. 😂
I use Google Translate extensively.
Bueno, si usted hizo esto, entonces yo le aplaudo.
Hablo inglés y apenas un poco de español. Leí un poco de Español, Francés, Alemán y algo de Japonés, pero lo suficiente como para meterme en problemas.😂
Yo uso Google Translate ampliamente.

I use "deepl" it translates better than google.

I may have to look into that. (is it hard to use?)