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RE: Going Soulbound!

I noticed that you have two extra General Sloan Cards along with your max-level (Level 8) one. 😅

Since you already have a Level 6 Mother Khala (with 1 extra BCX), you just need to buy 24 more BCX of that Card with a total worth of about $31.63 on the #PeakMonsters market. 🤓

Have some !LOLZ with !LUV! 😁


A father was washing his car with his son
And the son says, “dad, can’t you use a sponge?”

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@mypathtofire, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @savvytester

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Thanks, I'm thinking to buy Bortus first !LUV

I just realized that you don't own any Bortus Card (and aren't renting one right now). 😅 That's very useful on Battles with the Wands Out Rule where only Monsters with Magic Attack can be used. 🤓

A Regular Foil Bortus Card currently costs $1.72 at Level 1. 🤔 To have it support a Level 3 Legendary Monster, you need a Level 7 one which costs a total of $77.72. 🤑 If you want the Gold Foil equivalent of a Level 7 Regular Bortus, you need 7 Gold Foil copies of that Card which will cost you $128.88 right now. 💸😅💸 !LUV

I am thinking to just get the regular foil one! !LUV

A Regular Foil Level 7 Bortus now costs about $133.88 on the #PeakMonsters market, which had an increase of about 72.3% from $77.72 just 18 hours ago. 💸😅💸

You can't also get a Gold Foil Level 7 Bortus right now due to insufficient Gold Foil Cards for sale on the #Splinterlands market. 😅

Have some !PIZZA with !LOLZ for today! 😁

Where did all the demand suddenly come from !LOL !PIZZA

Right now, a Level 7 Regular Foil Bortus costs about $113.03 (which is about 15.6% lower than yesterday). 🤓

There are also only 12 BCX worth of Gold Foil Bortus Cards on the #Splinterlands market, not enough to reach Level 7. 😅


Hmm. Everyone likes Bortus! !LOL

Do you know where you can get chicken broth in bulk?
The stock market.

Credit: reddit
@mypathtofire, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @savvytester

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@savvytester passed you the virtual joint!
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