Why am I here, Who am I following?

in Hive Statistics2 years ago

The beginning of a new year, another crash in Crypto Prices, some spare time on my hands and I start wondering why I am here?


Photo by Juan Rumimpunu on Unsplash

Who am I following?

Early on I was attracted to SteemHive by awesome content. I found unique content that I had not come across elsewhere and found a place where I could learn and grow. Some of the articles were really well written and granted access to engage with some great minds. I also really loved the global community aspect to the platform.

As we have ridden the Crypto wave, some of the most interesting accounts are still here and active but some are gone, so I wanted to look back at the numbers and see how Hive is growing and retaining these great people.

Following Data

Each time I came across a really good piece of content I would usually follow the person. I am following 1326 accounts.


  • Many of the Accounts I follow haven't posted in several years. (People who have given up posting on Hive)
  • The Green bar is people who are still voting (so I presume still reading)

What does your Following Look Like? Try out the following app, created by @eroche and powered by Hive SQL Data.



Screenshot 2022-02-08 at 11-28-20 Following Analysis.png

Looks very like mine.

Woot! I win! Been active since 1970, even before I was born. Didn't know I was that good. Kinda slacked off for the following decades though....

Screen Shot 2022-02-09 at 6.39.04 AM.png

Ah, just zoomed in on yours and seems you had the same idea in 1970....

Ha ha, that date pops up if an account has never posted or voted. Still waiting to see their intro posts 😀


I have a large hump on my neck!

I agree with your hump. The blockchain has gotten a lot more interesting for you since Hive was born.

There are a few people on my follow list who were regular posters but are now just lurking and upvoting, but havent posted in ages.

Did you follow people in the past and prune them from your follow list? I was going to do that but it will be interesting to see when and if some of the old timers come back to Hive.

I didn't post much for a couple of months but have been more or less active since the early days.

There was a disaster with my following. I was looking at someone's profile and clicked to see who they had blacklisted. This was way back when those options first appeared and my whole list of people I followed got wiped. No one could explain it but I had to start following people from scratch. I was quite miffed because as you say, I like to catch old people when they turn up again