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RE: Over 350 Venezuelans earned more than the Minimum Wage blogging on Hive in October

With all due respect, you may write any post you wish but we will not provide any commentary on one project alone and not on others. We simply cannot do that ethically. You are welcome to reach out to project leads and ask them about their projects. All projects are treated fairly and evenly by Valueplan. It would be unfair and unethical to focus on one and we will not do that. Project details, metrics, gains and opportunities will take time to compile and the report is scheduled about a month from now. These will take a considerable effort to compile and we have set time aside for that. It's not a few hours, this is a major annual report that we have planned. There are also live partner opportunities going on right now which are in negotiation and will be announced once solid. I ask you to please wait until the report is out to discuss Valueplan coherently.


I would never focus my post on a specific project in isolation because that's not the transparency I want for Valueplan projects.

The post will talk about all the projects and the focus will not be to blame any specific project, because I don't even have absolute knowledge of the plan/objectives that were defined between Valueplan and each of the projects.

The focus of my post will always be the transparency of all projects with the community. After all, we are in the crypto world where one of the pillars is transparency and that is what I want to focus on.

How about this? Since we're still pulling data together and processing for the final report, if you want to put forward some KPIs which you think are worthwhile (ones that are actually measurable within the possibility of technology and record keeping) then we can pull some off your post into the report. That would work well.

Some of the projects are sponsorships or partnerships. Others have purposes of reaching different medias. Charity sponsorships and wells: traditional media. Conferences: crypto media. Sports: Instagram and Tiktok trend chance.

It's very fortunate that now that now that due to the Twitter blue checkmark fiasco we now can stop stacking traditional media mentions (those were required for verification), which were a stress point.

I am preparing a post on this subject with data/info that I think is relevant and when it is posted you will be mentioned and invited to continue the conversation