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RE: Leak -- Compromised ACTIVE key successfully protected

in CyberSecurity2 years ago

You keep putting spam on my post. I've said "OFF FURL". It has not stopped your automation. Please cease. Feel free to check the shortened link manually that you keep flagging. It is not harmful. It is descriptive.


You replied with that less than a day ago. Please leave some time for reviews. Whitelisted now.
Shortened links are not flagged (downvoted), only phishing is.

Thanks for the whitelisting. I first asked for the service to be turned off 24 days ago:

I appreciate what you're doing with the keys defender, but I think any automation that posts comments needs to target only bad actors or else it just becomes noise on the blockchain.

Missed the initial request, sorry about that.

Yes I understand that I should only target bad actor, but that's possible only with the help of the community.

The goal with (throttled) auto-replies to shortened links is that when there is a phishing campaign going on, some of the phisher spam comments will get my reply with the preview of the domain. That will increase the chances that someone will notice "hey, that link preview says better report it with the !phishing command".

Ok. I think there's something not working with your throttling, then, because I'd gotten it on 3/5 of the posts where I used a shortened link.

Will double check, from memory it's higher for comments since that's where the phishing spam usually occurs

Makes sense. These were all on posts, though.