An Unexpected Last Minute Change

an unexpected last minute change.png

An unexpected phone call

Last week, I wrote about my daughter's great end of the year and going to the third class of primary school without any issues. When I wrote that, I had no clue that a day later she'd change schools last minute as a spot freed up in the third grade and she was the first in line. As I shared, I already went supply hunting on Tuesday when the report card came online together with the school supply list. In fact, I was almost done buying things when on Wednesday morning the school down our building called to tell me about a free spot and that our daughter could be transferred after all if we wanted.

We looked at each other and it was a firm YES! in choir from all three of us. Ok, then we need to bring a filled in form called X and another one about religion. After having to fill in all sorts of forms for trying to transfer her twice before, I thankfully didn't have much issues understanding all the terms she threw at me, meanwhile her dad already panicked for not understanding most. This is ok, as long as I get it, as I need to handle the paperwork anyway. The secretary is a very kind lady and I'm very thankful for her patience when I tried to confirm a few things to make sure I didn't get it wrong. After all, the school was already closed that week and I knew there was little room for error bringing the papers.

We cheered!

Although I already ordered several school supplies which she will now not need, we all cheered happily after the phone call because it would not be a chance of a transfer, nope, this was certain now! I cheered even more when I find out this time I didn't need to fill in tons of pages of forms but only two short 1 page forms which I handled quickly without any questions along the way.

When I dropped off the forms the next morning, I was given instructions to get a document signed by the last school about the state of the books. I contacted them and the director was kind enough to offer to call them that this is not needed as the books are fungible. One final task was to fill in a few things that she handed me and so I dropped that off on Friday.

All set in terms of supplies

It's now Wednesday and I made sure to buy all the school supplies on the list already so that I will not forget anything or worse, bump into issues where they only have really expensive brands left which has happened a few times in the past two years with some supplies. I'm over the moon for her to start on this new school in September and so is she. I wonder if she will get nervous on the first day, but I doubt it to be honest.

End of year gift

I'm happy we were able to contribute to the end of year gift for her old teacher because even though year one was really shit for a lot of kids (and the teacher lol), she managed to turn things around right after school started in September and I have huge respect for that. It can't be easy to keep those little ones in line, especially as my daughter tells me many of them yell really loud all day.

The teacher has been nothing but friendly and kind this year and it seemed that she really enjoyed teaching my daughter as she's always paying attention (unlike many others in the class). This was her final year with these kids and we put together funds to giver her a pandora bracelet. She really loved it and I'm happy she has a lasting memory of this class instead of all gifts with names on it, lol. Those name gifts must become a bit annoying at some point..

The teacher also gave the kids a gift:

Gift end of school year.jpg

A little notebook and pen with the instructions to write down the favourite moments of the school year. I think this is a great idea and memory for later which I will surely try to keep save somewhere so it will pop up again in many years, that will be a fun read!


As you probably know by now, my daughter loves to craft, she had this cute bag craft (with a little spelling error, did you spot it?) which I thought was fun to share:

Cats and unicorns craft (2).jpg

Cats and unicorns craft (1).jpg

Now the last week we haven't done much crafting but we did a lot of swimming and had a trip to Granada on Sunday, which I will share another day. Hopefully later this week I have a bit more creativity to share! Currently the little one loves drawing on the tablet and she's been exploring Krita on it, to our surprise she managed to find out a few things and already showed a few really cool artworks.

We hope she manages to explore this more as she has a digital pen since Christmas. I never pushed through learning Krita because I sold my drawing tablet, but I can see how it's much easier to navigate with this tablet and this pen. I'm excited to see her new artworks and show them to you in another post.

That's all for today, now I should get the food ready for later and hopefully dive into the pool for an after dinner dip. That's a better dip than the usual after dinner dip :)

All pictures above are my own..


Ah the joy of being a kid and a student. I'm glad everything worked out fine. ♥️

Yeah, although I personally don't remember that I had so many exams in my first years. Maybe things changed or it was too long ago, I don't know. She's owning it big time though and I love how she's turning into a tiny Spanish speaker slowly but surely!

It's great that we can now explore this new school because I heard from her tutor that she heard better things about this school from friends who went there compared to those on the old school.

Thanks for stopping by !LUV

That's great news! No longer a drive to get her to her school! Congratulations!

That daily swimming sounds like you're enjoying it. I bet your little one loves having summer free from school though.. lol


You must be killin' it out here!
@thebighigg just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @thisismylife.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Oh it's a blessing already. We drove past the old school today and we were like "meh, no more of this parking issue here, yay!"

I'm trying to go daily, skipped a few days though when I could barely do anything. It's 38 degrees now and the only way we can swim is as soon as it opens until I feel it's burning too much because I just don't want to be in the sun when it's this hot.

The kid is happy even with an hour so whenever we can, we go. I saw next week the temp goes up even more, not looking forward to it. But yes she's happy that she doesn't have to get up early, she sleeps in more than we do/can, haha.


You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @thebighigg.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

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