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RE: From Ta Khmau To Pramaoy In Our Ape 🛺 Finally We Are Reclaiming Our Former Lifestyle 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

Oh, I see but I'm glad it was a safe space for the night though. Speaking a little or fluency in another language can be an advantage.
Advantages are you can understand what they are saying.
Well here in Cebu we are impressed with tourists who can speak a little Bisaya I don't know with other cities.

 2 years ago  

Especially in the Philippines, because you have so many regional languages, I think it would be even harder for a traveler to learn phrases. I found this frustrating in India, I would learn a few phrases, travel 100km to the next town, and it was a whole new language.

With Khmer, it's the same language spoken all over the country, although some accents are hard for me and certain regions use strange vocabulary that is harder for me to follow. But for the most part Khmer is pretty standard, and there aren't really regional languages for the most part.

You'll be amazed we have 111 dialects here in the Philippines but everyone speaks Filipino or Tagalog so that's the thing we all have in common so if you go to a place that has a different dialect you can just speak tagalog if you know and they will respond in tagalog too. 😊