Wooohoooo......I am so glad to see that you guys finally made it back home again after so long!
An epic journey to get there and now an epic journey to get settled it but atleast now you are literally on the home stretch!
Congratulations and go forth and prosper as I know that you will!
Oh and if you really want Monkey B to get a great free education just by reading books, get her onto Clive Cussler. They are like adventure encyclopaedias...and she will learn so much- about everything- like I have, such as marine biology, geography, ancient civilisations, treasure hunting, sunken ships, engines and engineering...
And a huge welcome to Hive too @ahleap@mich.brmey@seyha.mich I'm sure that you will fall in love with everyone and everything on hive like I have too!
I have a lot of other friends from other countries like the US who speaks our language fluently who had the same experience as you do. The locals were surprised to find out that they could speak and understand our language. 😁
I find your trip exciting though for sure there a lot of inconveniece on the side but I love the adventure! Our family used to travel by land and cross the sea using our old family car. This was before pandemic. by the way, we have some tuk-tuk here. They call it with a different name.
I've heard a lot of Tagalog spoken in Cambodia, as well as a few other languages from your country, but I've never seen a foreigner speaking any of them, that would be really interesting to see.
I've seen the Bajaj tuk-tuks in your country in a few pictures, but it doesn't look like they are super popular yet. The highways in the Philippines look very good, so I imagine much of the traffic moves too fast. Here in Cambodia much of the highway traffic is less than 55km/h, and that is about the max safe speed for our ride.
so I only have two photos from the nearly 300km in between Ta Khmau and Pramaoy.
You are so adventourous. 300 km is snot short distance. I am very inspired by your life stories. How you can take and tackle every challenge in your life cycle. Your story of Harry the lamb, your bribing the cambodian officials and now your family go to a new town. Pramaoy ....Not all people are brave to take the challenge.
No regrets, although everything hardly ever goes as planned. Actually living life is something many people never get to do with their time on Earth, and I feel that is something my family and I enjoy more than anything. Time is a gift so much precious than money.
Wow! 5 USD? That's not bad at all for a night and with Free wifi but the food needs to be improved then.
I must say that being fluent in other languages and tricking people when they are talking behind your back is a fun thing to do. 😂
I can only imagine the look on their faces when you talk back with their language. 😁😆
The $5 guesthouse and the place where got some takeaway food were two different locations. The guesthouse had no wifi, and barely a mattress, but at least it was a safe space for the night. I think in the bigger cities most people aren't impressed if you speak basic Khmer, but fluency is still impressive. In the countryside and places where there is little tourism, even saying "Hello, how are you?" gives you big points. 10% of people simply can't compute that I speak Khmer, and often I must have a Khmer person relay my words even though my pronunciation is very good.
Oh, I see but I'm glad it was a safe space for the night though. Speaking a little or fluency in another language can be an advantage.
Advantages are you can understand what they are saying.
Well here in Cebu we are impressed with tourists who can speak a little Bisaya I don't know with other cities.
Especially in the Philippines, because you have so many regional languages, I think it would be even harder for a traveler to learn phrases. I found this frustrating in India, I would learn a few phrases, travel 100km to the next town, and it was a whole new language.
With Khmer, it's the same language spoken all over the country, although some accents are hard for me and certain regions use strange vocabulary that is harder for me to follow. But for the most part Khmer is pretty standard, and there aren't really regional languages for the most part.
You'll be amazed we have 111 dialects here in the Philippines but everyone speaks Filipino or Tagalog so that's the thing we all have in common so if you go to a place that has a different dialect you can just speak tagalog if you know and they will respond in tagalog too. 😊
We're quite the talk of the town in our abnormally large and and loud tuk-tuk, and I am the only white guy around apparently. I let the ladies at the market make fun of me and comment on me the first two days before letting them know I speak fluent Khmer, then I roasted them back with a few playful comments of my own, and now we're all friends.
I can imagine their face when you spoke to them in khmer 😂😂 that is considered as one great prank 🤣🤣
Sorry I haven't been very engaged or active with my posting lately, but I hope you all understand. Thanks for reading, and I hope we are all soon back into our normal posting routine. We hope to sort out the wi-fi situation here in the next few days.
No worries, settle everything on your side. Wish you all the best 👍🏻👍🏻
I always make sure to have fun with it. Sometimes I even act a clown to play up their expectations of the stupid naive foreigner. One example, walking around the market as if afraid to step in the mud and get your shoes dirty. This look on your face signals to locals you've never been in a Cambodian market before, and I love playing this trick on the sellers. My massive beard is usually the most the main subject of gossip and laughter.
The tuk tuk looks very modern and new too . I like how moneky B post on the chinese restaurant 😁. The gas and stove looks same in here thai too. Portable and easy to carry . Get enough of rest and planning up sir . Is ok we understand that . 😊😊
I think so, most of the tech items here in Cambodia are Vietnamese or Thai imports. Thai items are usually of higher quality, especially stoves, so that's what we buy. The tuk-tuk still has less than 1,000km on it, but we are quickly adding kilometers. About to add 2,000km more on the next trip.
It must have been a proud moment for you to know that your daughter has improved a lot in terms of her English communication skills 🤗 your days there have been eventful and I truly wish you and your family are well and safe 🤗
Living outside Cambodia the last 3 years has caused my daughters to speak less Cambodian with me in public, and this habit has carried over to our return to Cambodia. This really causes the locals to think I don't know a word of Khmer. I must say that I love hearing unfiltered comments about myself, it's quite entertaining.
That must have been the reason why because they have been used to speaking English in their previous environment. Pretty sure they will be taken aback once they know that you understand what they're saying 😃
That is a very long journey you took with the families. Stay safe always.
I wonder what the lady at the market would feel after they know you speak fluent Khmer, lol
they must have been super shocked.
It was a long journey, but went a little slower than we'd hoped. For this reason the journey here took us 3 days. The lady at the market that was making fun of me now gets embarrassed every time I walk past her kiosk. Her friends and the sellers all around her now make fun of her when I walk past.
Great to get an update from you. You sound like you're all doing well and I'm hoping for many more happy times ahead to help put these past 3 years behind you. ❤
It has been far too long, @sreypov and I both were chatting last night about when we'll be able to resume daily posting. The main thing is we are happy and healthy, and with this all things feel possible.
Hello @justinparke , I had fun reading your content especially this
I let the ladies at the market make fun of me and comment on me the first two days before letting them know I speak fluent Khmer, then I roasted them back with a few playful comments of my own, and now we're all friends.😂
I always love having some good fun with the Khmer lady sellers at the markets. Most of all, I love arriving in a new town where they're not aware I'm fluent in Khmer. Within in a month everyone here will know and there will be no more gossiping about me in front of my face.
I've been a vintage Vespa/Lambretta tuner and mechanic for many years, and kind of spent my life on motorcycles and ATVs. In Cambodia, and also back in the USA, a car is something I can neither afford to buy or maintain, and plus the tuk-tuk is a much more fun way to see the world. We have a lot of social interaction with the communities we pass through in the tuk-tuk due to the open-air quality of it.
It is such a relief, and normal day-to-day life is so near again. Within a month I'll have time to post daily or almost daily again and also more importantly have more time to read all of my Hive friends' post and engage with them.
Not a problem @justinparke do what is more important for you and family at the moment relocating always takes time but at least now you are were you can be more happy and comfortable 👍
We really wanted to get light blue, but because the diesel model doesn't sell well, they now only stock white with black top. Even though it wasn't our original choice, it's still a nice color, and easy to do touch-up paint if necessary.
Wooohoooo......I am so glad to see that you guys finally made it back home again after so long!
An epic journey to get there and now an epic journey to get settled it but atleast now you are literally on the home stretch!
Congratulations and go forth and prosper as I know that you will!
Oh and if you really want Monkey B to get a great free education just by reading books, get her onto Clive Cussler. They are like adventure encyclopaedias...and she will learn so much- about everything- like I have, such as marine biology, geography, ancient civilisations, treasure hunting, sunken ships, engines and engineering...
And a huge welcome to Hive too @ahleap @mich.brmey @seyha.mich I'm sure that you will fall in love with everyone and everything on hive like I have too!
I have a lot of other friends from other countries like the US who speaks our language fluently who had the same experience as you do. The locals were surprised to find out that they could speak and understand our language. 😁
I find your trip exciting though for sure there a lot of inconveniece on the side but I love the adventure! Our family used to travel by land and cross the sea using our old family car. This was before pandemic. by the way, we have some tuk-tuk here. They call it with a different name.
I've heard a lot of Tagalog spoken in Cambodia, as well as a few other languages from your country, but I've never seen a foreigner speaking any of them, that would be really interesting to see.
I've seen the Bajaj tuk-tuks in your country in a few pictures, but it doesn't look like they are super popular yet. The highways in the Philippines look very good, so I imagine much of the traffic moves too fast. Here in Cambodia much of the highway traffic is less than 55km/h, and that is about the max safe speed for our ride.
You are so adventourous. 300 km is snot short distance. I am very inspired by your life stories. How you can take and tackle every challenge in your life cycle. Your story of Harry the lamb, your bribing the cambodian officials and now your family go to a new town. Pramaoy ....Not all people are brave to take the challenge.
No regrets, although everything hardly ever goes as planned. Actually living life is something many people never get to do with their time on Earth, and I feel that is something my family and I enjoy more than anything. Time is a gift so much precious than money.
Wow! 5 USD? That's not bad at all for a night and with Free wifi but the food needs to be improved then.
I must say that being fluent in other languages and tricking people when they are talking behind your back is a fun thing to do. 😂
I can only imagine the look on their faces when you talk back with their language. 😁😆
The $5 guesthouse and the place where got some takeaway food were two different locations. The guesthouse had no wifi, and barely a mattress, but at least it was a safe space for the night. I think in the bigger cities most people aren't impressed if you speak basic Khmer, but fluency is still impressive. In the countryside and places where there is little tourism, even saying "Hello, how are you?" gives you big points. 10% of people simply can't compute that I speak Khmer, and often I must have a Khmer person relay my words even though my pronunciation is very good.
Oh, I see but I'm glad it was a safe space for the night though. Speaking a little or fluency in another language can be an advantage.
Advantages are you can understand what they are saying.
Well here in Cebu we are impressed with tourists who can speak a little Bisaya I don't know with other cities.
Especially in the Philippines, because you have so many regional languages, I think it would be even harder for a traveler to learn phrases. I found this frustrating in India, I would learn a few phrases, travel 100km to the next town, and it was a whole new language.
With Khmer, it's the same language spoken all over the country, although some accents are hard for me and certain regions use strange vocabulary that is harder for me to follow. But for the most part Khmer is pretty standard, and there aren't really regional languages for the most part.
You'll be amazed we have 111 dialects here in the Philippines but everyone speaks Filipino or Tagalog so that's the thing we all have in common so if you go to a place that has a different dialect you can just speak tagalog if you know and they will respond in tagalog too. 😊
I can imagine their face when you spoke to them in khmer 😂😂 that is considered as one great prank 🤣🤣
No worries, settle everything on your side. Wish you all the best 👍🏻👍🏻
I always make sure to have fun with it. Sometimes I even act a clown to play up their expectations of the stupid naive foreigner. One example, walking around the market as if afraid to step in the mud and get your shoes dirty. This look on your face signals to locals you've never been in a Cambodian market before, and I love playing this trick on the sellers. My massive beard is usually the most the main subject of gossip and laughter.
The tuk tuk looks very modern and new too . I like how moneky B post on the chinese restaurant 😁. The gas and stove looks same in here thai too. Portable and easy to carry . Get enough of rest and planning up sir . Is ok we understand that . 😊😊
I think so, most of the tech items here in Cambodia are Vietnamese or Thai imports. Thai items are usually of higher quality, especially stoves, so that's what we buy. The tuk-tuk still has less than 1,000km on it, but we are quickly adding kilometers. About to add 2,000km more on the next trip.
hahaha , i like this part adding kilometers to it . You help him do some increament sir .
It must have been a proud moment for you to know that your daughter has improved a lot in terms of her English communication skills 🤗 your days there have been eventful and I truly wish you and your family are well and safe 🤗
Living outside Cambodia the last 3 years has caused my daughters to speak less Cambodian with me in public, and this habit has carried over to our return to Cambodia. This really causes the locals to think I don't know a word of Khmer. I must say that I love hearing unfiltered comments about myself, it's quite entertaining.
That must have been the reason why because they have been used to speaking English in their previous environment. Pretty sure they will be taken aback once they know that you understand what they're saying 😃
I absolutely love all the fun I can have in a new town before the gig is up and everyone knows to whisper about me.
That is a very long journey you took with the families. Stay safe always.
I wonder what the lady at the market would feel after they know you speak fluent Khmer, lol
they must have been super shocked.
It was a long journey, but went a little slower than we'd hoped. For this reason the journey here took us 3 days. The lady at the market that was making fun of me now gets embarrassed every time I walk past her kiosk. Her friends and the sellers all around her now make fun of her when I walk past.
Ahhhh! sounded like Nunchaku 🤣
I think it's the same thing. Btw, you got a sexy waist line. I could have mistaken and had you a bear hug by looking at the back view 🤣
Great to get an update from you. You sound like you're all doing well and I'm hoping for many more happy times ahead to help put these past 3 years behind you. ❤
It has been far too long, @sreypov and I both were chatting last night about when we'll be able to resume daily posting. The main thing is we are happy and healthy, and with this all things feel possible.
Hello @justinparke , I had fun reading your content especially this
I'm glad to hear back from you.🙂
I always love having some good fun with the Khmer lady sellers at the markets. Most of all, I love arriving in a new town where they're not aware I'm fluent in Khmer. Within in a month everyone here will know and there will be no more gossiping about me in front of my face.
Hahaha, That's very funny. Just keep it up while they enjoy that until they realise their karma.
Hope you had fun with your family there. Be safe always!
All in good fun, but honestly I will probably never buy anything from that one particularly cheeky lady 😁.
I've been waiting for the episode for a long time, which I've been waiting for, but it hasn't arrived, maybe you understand my friend @justinparke
I know, I haven't forgotten. There is one last Harry post still in the works....
I'll be waiting for that episode my friend
That tuk-tuk looks incredible! What made you think of getting a customised tuk-tuk instead of a car?
I've been a vintage Vespa/Lambretta tuner and mechanic for many years, and kind of spent my life on motorcycles and ATVs. In Cambodia, and also back in the USA, a car is something I can neither afford to buy or maintain, and plus the tuk-tuk is a much more fun way to see the world. We have a lot of social interaction with the communities we pass through in the tuk-tuk due to the open-air quality of it.
Nice to see you all happy and together again welcome home 👍
It is such a relief, and normal day-to-day life is so near again. Within a month I'll have time to post daily or almost daily again and also more importantly have more time to read all of my Hive friends' post and engage with them.
Not a problem @justinparke do what is more important for you and family at the moment relocating always takes time but at least now you are were you can be more happy and comfortable 👍
Life is a struggle, I always give you strength
Thank you sister, and don't forget "K'nyom ot k'tuy tey!!"
😃Great to see the family. Lovely photos.
Thank you, it feels really good to be back, and especially to have so much freedom of movement again.
I can imagine. Also access to some of your favorite foods, right?
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We really wanted to get light blue, but because the diesel model doesn't sell well, they now only stock white with black top. Even though it wasn't our original choice, it's still a nice color, and easy to do touch-up paint if necessary.
We are already having great adventures, the new tuk-tuk is so much fun.
We absolutely love the prospect of new adventures, and we can't wait to do our first camping trip.