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RE: 🔋 Battery Backup Is A Cat's Best Friend 😻 & Another Camper Visits ⛺


Are you turning your house into an Airbnb-type accommodation? When the opportunity arises, I would be thrilled to visit during my trip to Cambodia. 😀

 3 months ago  

I think that will eventually be a stage that we pass through. At the moment we're hosting guests who are friends and/or understand we're not a fully operational modern business. At the moment things are rustic, a little more like a homestay I guess.

It's a little dark at night, there are still some visible construction materials, there's not much grass because of all the construction, so therefore a bit muddy in the rainy season. A lot of little things like this make me afraid I'd get bad reviews, but for someone who understands the situation here before coming, all have been happy to visit and stay for up to several weeks.

You're welcome anytime my friend, even with just a few days notice we could prepare a pretty cool vacation for you.