There's something in between

in Black And White11 months ago (edited)

Life isn't black and white. It's a million gray areas.

- Ridley Scott (Film-maker) -

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I'll admit to feeling a little self-conscious posting in this community for the first time mostly because I don't have a lot of confidence in my photography skills, have almost no understanding of the process and even less when it comes to shooting in black and white...and partly due to the high calibre of images I've seen in this community which mine could not compare to.

Those concerns notwithstanding, I'm posting here and come what may, it's irreversible. Here's a few close-up snaps of some lilies I purchased for someone recently.

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When selecting the quote I decided upon the Ridley Scott one above for a few reasons and not simply because I agree with it. The quote resonated in respect of me posting these images in this community as well.

You see, just as life is not black and white but many 'shades or gray areas' so are we as individual people; we're not one thing or another but many different elements combined; some good and some bad and everything in between...but all human.

It's that thought which ultimately led me to post these images here; the understanding that they don't define me one way or another, they just are, and because people are individuals they'll see me and my images, or both, in whatever way that works for them...maybe good and maybe bad or maybe something in between.

No matter what people think of others, I believe it's important for each of us to understand, and remember, that we aren't simply black or white...There's something in between.

Anyway, that's about it for this post. If you feel inclined to make some comments feel free to drop them into the comments section, I always respond.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Every image in this post is my own.
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III was used to capture these images.


I don't see why there would be an issue. We are definitely our own worst critics. I think the pictures look great!

Yeah, no issues expected I guess...but figured I'd open the door to them in case people needed and invitation. 😊

I took some shots of my Casio Mudmaster the other day, I'll post them over the weekend, also black and white. I like them better than these but these three took me about an hour to get right so wasn't about to let them sit on my computer unused.

Interesting! I did see someone recently had some issues with the group, but I think they didn't follow the rules the way they should have.

The photos are great, but especially the text and the quote. We are of many shades and tones. You pass me something similar, I have not published in this community either. I have also seen very good quality images and I am self-conscious, but you encourage me by posting here. I think the shots are very good!

I hope you decide to post here amongst all the others quality photos; I think it's good to challenge oneself, through doing so comes growth and development.

I agree, I will soon accept the challenge.

As you know, I like Aristotle's phrase about the just medium between the two extremes, which is assimilated to grays.

Just like in a paint palette there are many gray scales, depending on whether it is blacker or whiter and as you explain, that is life.

The photographs are wonderful, 1 and 3 are impressive. I ever posted here, it's great that you did. You are a great photographer even if you don't believe it!🤗

Thanks, it's nice to know people think my snaps are ok, enjoyable to look at. I don't for myself, my own enjoyment, but knowing others enjoy them too is great.

I love them! You have an artist's eye, I guess you inherited it!🤗

Maybe inherited it, possibly just got lucky on this occasion. 🤔

Surely I don't doubt it... a very good artist's eye.

Good shot, I see in the side of the shooting technique that there is do it is very good all, in the black image that you appear I think is very perfect and has a story of yourself. Thank you for sharing with us, have a nice day my brother. 😊

You're welcome,and thank you for your valuable comment. Have a nice weekend.

Of course my brother, you are welcome, have a nice day😊

 11 months ago  

Welcome to Hive's black and white corner. 📸👍

Thank you, it took me a while to get here but now I am there'll be some more. I appreciate the welcome.

 11 months ago  

Better late than never, as they say.
Looking forward to see your next posts.
And feel free to use the #monomad tag, in case you feel like participating in our daily contest too.

I wasn't sure what monomad was but I'll have a look at the criteria and give it a try. What could go wrong? (Downvote and muted probably.) 🤣

I'll give it a crack though.

 11 months ago  

We only mute posts with low quality images not taking in consideration the most basic aspects of photography.
That or abuse of some sort.
I don't think you have any reasons to worry about.

Looking forward to see those entries.

people are individuals, they will see me and my images, or both, in the way that suits them best .... *maybe right and maybe wrong, or maybe somewhere in between.

I chose this quote from your post for two reasons. The first is that I have been putting off three tasks for some time now because of a feeling that is very present in my life at the moment: shame. And the second reason is that this post has a message for me: I have to do what I have to do regardless of the eyes of others. Two more things, here the day has dawned grey and I'm sure it will be a great day. I liked the pictures. Best regards

You know, some of the most rewarding comments I've received in over six years of being on Hive are those like yours; that my posts may inspire others to think differently, delve within themselves, find courage or commitment, overcome adversity, open up and show's really cool.

I'm glad you read into my post and found a message; seeing something clearly helps us deal with it more effectively.

Thanks for your comment and have a nice weekend.

Thanks Galen, I didn't want to answer you without first completing my unfinished business. Finally, I have completed the three pending tasks, the universe kept sending me halo messages, do it!
Thank you and I also wish you a great weekend.

just as life is not black and white but many 'shades or gray areas' so are we as individual people; we're not one thing or another but many different elements combined; some good and some bad and everything in between...but all human.

Being human means embracing both our strengths and flaws. We all have a mix of good and bad within ourselves. It's not about judgment from others, but rather acknowledging our own internal complexities.

Recognizing and accepting both our positive and negative aspects fosters self-awareness and compassion. Embracing this duality allows us to grow, connect with others, and navigate life's challenges with humility! 🤗

P.S. The photos look great, no reason to feel otherwise!

You say it well, can't, and don't want to, argue with it. Unfortunately for some, they don't have the ability to see all of themselves and so live a more limited existence - it's the enlightened ones that get the most from it. Light is one of the elements that cause shadow though, so both are always present.

Light is one of the elements that cause shadow though, so both are always present.

This is a great analogy! 👏

Sometimes my brain works reasonably well, other times not. 🙄

Oh well we have our off days!

Just so happen that my off days are more than my good days 😅

Lol, I don't believe that about you, and in truth about me either. It's nice to be humble though I think.

Well I agree with your statement, but only this part! 😅

and in truth about me either.

Then again, every day is a new day and we can only constantly strive to be better.
It is not a comparison against others but really a battle against against the me, yesterday!
As long as we progress / do better each day (better than yesterday), we can definitely take the WIN right? 😅

I think the photos look great. I don't know the technical terms, but your use of focus and blurring is really nice. The choice of the subject is also good. The difference in the darkness of colors really accentuate the parts of the flower.

Thanks mate, I basically just bumble along and twiddle dials hoping something good happens.

I have some black and whites (in a draft post to go live over the weekend) of one of my watches which I think came out pretty well so I'm keen to get them posted. At the end of the day, nothing at all rests on the results of my photos, I just do it for fun so if they suck ass there's no worries. However, it's nice to know people like the look of them sometimes.

Have a good weekend.

The shots are great. You have taken these pictures from your own perspective and given it a story. Everyone has their perspectives, and their own stories.

Indeed they do, and it pays for each person to be themselves, but also to seek continual improvement.

With plainness, life itself will indeed be a boring tale. The mystery, awkwardness imperfections and grey areas are the beautiful bits that add it all up to perfection in my book. The unravelling of it all is the rhythmic journey I trade on.

Beautiful takes and a fitting theme.

Cheers, they came out ok I think, I mean there's only so many ways for a non-photographer to make a bunch of lilies look I guess.

The mind that says so and so is not our color is the same mind that will tell you so and so even if he/she is our color doesn't come from the same continent as ours. The mind that say so and so doesn't come from the same continent and our is the same mind that will tell you that so and so doesn't speak our language. The same mind that would want division along anything might be you brother but will hate you for your social status. And nowadays there are divisions and hate along the support of soccer teams.
You are correct brother.

Humans hate each other for a lot of reasons. I get it too, humans can be garbage.

That why I suggest you promise to leave this world better than you found. Love no matter what. Live love no matter what. At the end of the day love is stronger than hate.LOVE WILL ALWAYS WIN.

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