Cuicocha Lagoon / Laguna Cuicocha

in GEMS3 years ago


On my last trip to Ecuador, I visited the Cuicocha lagoon, it is formed in a volcanic crater on the slopes of the Cotacachi volcano, with which it is geologically linked, located a few kilometers from the Otavalo valley. beautiful Andean town that is about two hours from Quito, the capital of Ecuador.



Located at 3000 meters high and about 3 kilometers in diameter, it has two islands in its interior, it is a sacred site for the indigenous peoples of the region. Its name, of Quechua origin, means Laguna del Arcoiris or Laguna de los Dioses, place of myths and legends, in its waters purification rituals are performed on festive dates.


It is a really beautiful place and without a doubt it is an energetically very special place, it is possible to take a boat ride and observe part of its vegetation and endemic fauna.



It has several viewpoints where it is possible to appreciate the entire lagoon in its splendor. Due to its easy access and the placid environment it is difficult for one to realize that one is navigating in a volcanic crater three thousand meters high.



PD: all this pictures and writing are from my authorship


Laguna Cuicocha

En mi viaje a Ecuador visité la laguna Cuicocha, está formada en un cráter volcánico en las faldas del volcán Cotacachi, con el cual se encuentra unido geológicamente, ubicado a pocos kilómetros del valle de Otavalo. hermoso pueblo andino que queda a unas dos horas de Quito, la capital de Ecuador.

Ubicado a 3000 metros de altura y de unos 3 kilómetros de diámetro, cuenta con dos islas en su interior, es un sitio sagrado para los pueblos indígenas de la región. Su nombre, de origen quechua, significa Laguna del Arcoiris o Laguna de los Dioses, lugar de mitos y leyendas, en sus aguas se hacen rituales de purificación en fechas festivas.

Es un lugar realmente hermoso y sin duda es un sitio energéticamente muy especial, es posible dar un paseo en bote y observar parte de su vegetación y fauna endémica.

Tiene varios miradores donde es posible apreciar toda la laguna en su esplendor. Debido a su fácil acceso y lo plácido de su ambiente le cuesta a uno darse cuenta que se está navegando en un cráter volcánico a tres mil metros de altura.

PD: Todas las fotos y escritos son de mi autoría


Beautiful place and great photos.
Only 10,500 km from my house :)

Let's say it's close to latitude 0. Wow 10,000 Kilometers away is just half of a terrestrial antipode. Halfway to the longest distance. Regards!

Impresionante lugar, qué vistas más increíbles :) Un saludo

Un gran saludo! Gracias por comentar!

Love the solitude of the little island!

Love the solitude of the little island!

Yes. it's really lonely, I think it's even banned for visitors. Thanks for commenting, Regards!!

This lagoon begs for people to swim in it. Such beauty and a lovely landscape to visit.

This lagoon begs for people to swim in it. Such beauty and a lovely landscape to visit.

Oh yes, it is a very special place, its waters are full of volcanic minerals, so it has plenty of medicinal and spiritual properties, Regards!!

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This lake is volcano crater??🤓