WTF Weather, INSANE SNOW, Bozeman Hotspring, Gripped Driving, INSANE RAIN - Thursday

in GEMS24 days ago (edited)

We had driven to Bozeman MT in the midst of a gnarly rain storm. We went to bed with it still dumping rain and when I woke yesterday morning THIS is what greeted me... 2 inches of SUPER HEAVY AND WET snow had fallen and plenty more was on the way.


The homeless situation in America is rather disgusting anymore. This is FAR too common sight anywhere we have been, people camped out in various parts of cities. I suspect the people in tents weren't expecting this heavy wet snow.


We were out of the hotel before 7am and headed to Bozeman Hot Springs. We were in for nearly an hour before we called it and had to get on the road for the long drive.


That was some of the shittiest roads as the plows had not had time to clear most of the interstate and the snow was falling so fast. There were snow flakes so huge coming at the windshield, some looked as big as my hand. The snow turned to slush thanks to the way warmer than freezing temps though the storm kept dumping the snow. It was well over an hour of white knuckle driving until we finally got to the warmer part of the storm near Billings. This was the rest stop where it turned to rain a couple miles to the east.


BUT, then the deluge of rain was intense. I had my wipers on full speed and was still having trouble seeing clearly. The stupid storm rolled right along with us and the entire day was spent in either snow or rain. From Bozeman to Minot. The winds were crazy too with sometimes tail winds, quartering winds, head winds, and rather strong too.


We got to Minot about 6:30pm and I had a task waiting in our room at the in-laws. The blinds needed to be mounted in the windows which I got right on as I need the dark to sleep.


We ate dinner and talked, the boys found immense fun in the shake deck. The timezone difference always plays with me, I still wake up at 4 or 5 my time.


The storm continued unabated all night and holy balls is the wind howling. The doppler looks super angry but thankfully the serious weather is farther south in the plains states. We will be heading up to SIL's house before being back here tonight, then tomorrow is the Niece's high school graduation.

Here is a news article about the rarity of a huge May snow in Montana

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Wow, what a wild ride with the weather you've had! It sounds like you managed quite an adventure, tackling both insane snow and rain in such a short span.

I can't imagine how challenging the driving conditions must have been lol

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It was wild for sure. We were lucky to have made it over the pass the day before because it got shut down due to wrecks. Some places in Montana got a foot and half of snow.... in the end of May...

Gotta love crazy weather for Memorial Day

CO is used to this shit, the front range has way crazier weather than us up north.

The snow is too much
Do you love it?

It's fun in Winter but this spring snow was just annoying, mainly since we were mid travel.

Dang, the wet stuff is the worst! I was a little sad we didn't get more snow in Michigan this year. I'm not really going to complain though because I definitely wouldn't want to get it in the middle of May. Though I think we have in the past!

It has been a weird year of weather for sure. I'm SUPER happy the snow didn't hit us near Spokane as my garden is in full growth now. Here in ND I saw snow middle of July before....

That's pretty crazy. Besides Vegas and a quick trip to San Fransisco I have never been further west than Colorado before. I hope to change that one day. I really feel like a lot of the severe weather (including snow storms) has shifted a bit south over the past decade or so.

The west coast is a beautiful place but all the cities are trash. The best is to explore the Sierras and the various parks though they have been regulated to the point of annoyance, but still amazing to see. I grew up by Yosemite and explored much of the central Sierras. This year the el nino thing beat California up good but left us with less snow but more rain.

I was looking at taking my wife to Portland for our 15th anniversary this past year. Then I got talking to someone who lived there and he basically said "stay away". We ended up going to Vermont instead. We are more country folk anyway, so staying out of the cities sounds more our speed!

We drive everywhere so enjoy road trips to see places. You could do a trip up the Sierras staying only on mountain highways and it would keep you out of most of the cities and going through all the small towns. Hwy 49 started in the town I grew up in and runs north past Sacramento and hits all the 49er towns.

Same thing here in the South of France. We are getting a ton of rain (for weeks now) while just up the mountain from us they are getting a ton of snow. VERY unusual for this time of year.

Thanks for the update!

I watch paragliding comps, (which there are ooodles of there) and the weather has been really wild this year. Some comps have been really messed up by it. Seems like the world has a similar situation.

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That sucked you all had to drive through that mess all day. Glad you made it unscathed.

It was wild for sure. I had stamped the protection rune on the door frames of all 4 doors of the truck before we left for just a situation. I feel it helped, even if it was just the support it gave me in my head as I white knuckled it.