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RE: Masking Caturday

in GEMS3 years ago

It made me think of the one my Mom had in my childhood years. I am wondering if she still has it. She did a lot of sewing back in the day. When I was in high school and pant suits became all the rage, she made me several sets and I thought I was the bomb in them. ha ha.....


I went to a Catholic School all my life, so we had uniforms. But, my mother liked to sew, so she was always trying her hand at it. Oh, yeah... we thought we were all THAT! :))

When I was first in school I wore dresses all the time. Somewhere around the 5th or 6th grade it became ok to wear jeans to school. I didn't own any, so wasn't "with it" for a couple of years. Then, my folks finally bought me a pair and I only wore them a couple of times before wearing them to the skating rink (where again I was all that... for a few minutes), only to fall on one knee and tear a hole in them. LOL !! Talk about childhood tragedy !

Do you still have them??? You would be all that once again!!

I always wore the dreaded uniforms so feel happy you at least got to wear clothes!

I don't have them and that's ok, because I couldn't wear them on my big toe now ! LOL

So how did ya'll look down on each other if you were all dressed the same? I can see where uniforms would cause difficulties. I made me laugh typing that.

It was pretty hard, but we managed to do it! :))