Unleashing Your Real Self

in GEMS4 years ago

It does not matter how similar you look like someone else, there is still something that uniquely differentiates you from them and that thing is the real "you". This is why it has been said that everyone has their own unique personality and makeup.

Image from Pixabay

If you are hiding under someone else's personality or competing to be like them, then you are masking your own personality and the best you can be is a second version of that person and not an original. To function effectively, you have to discover what are are built to be. The truth is, you are not meant to be or do everything but some very specific things. Without discovering them, you won't know how to go about them.

Discovery of self is is your exclusive responsibility to do. You either choose to take the responsibility to discover yourself or someone else will hire you to help them discover their own and your own may be sunk while pursuing their own. In the discovery of purpose and of self, there are some clues and points you need to get handy with.

Firstly, you need to look holistically within you to find out that particular thing you can effectively do with minimal effort. This might be a pointer to the area of your purpose. If you are always having unnatural difficulty doing a particular thing, then check it, it may not be what you are called to do. A fish will have zero difficulty swimming, same thing with bird and flying, but if you switch habitats between fish and bird, they will be faced with much difficulty.

In the same way, you flow along easily when you do what you are built to do. You need to discover this yourself. Messi and Ronaldo do not have difficulty juggling with football because that is what they are built to do but if you put them in basketball, they will not function maximally. There is at least one thing that you are very good and talented at, this should point you to the right direction of what are meant to do.

In the discovery of self, many things may rise up to distract you. From family, friends, acquaintances, but do not allow these things to make you to lose value in yourself. Your level of self discovery is directly proportional to the level of value you place on yourself.

Image from Pixabay

Placing value on yourself is not pride but an act of attaching importance and worth to yourself. Remember, what you do not value, you won't maximize its usage - this same thing happens if you place less value in yourself; you won't effectively maximize your potentials. There are immense potentials embedded inside you but the onus is laid on you and you alone to give expression to them.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all