
I am sorry you feel the way you do. My intent was NOT to hurt nor frustrate you. I am just tired. Tired of feeling like we are supposed to be team players yet we all keep stealing the ball from one another. Just wanted to try and rectify that - even if it was only 10%.

I have no idea why the app put my comment where it did in the thread. I meant that acid is indecent amoral and I don't need his lies, manipulations, and lectures while he doubles down on his typical abhorrent behaviour.

Please don't think any of that was directed at you. My problem is with him and his spinning my disagreements on being openly welcoming to hate speech, as well as the hypocrisy of the lessons in life on this disastrous experiment.

It's an indefensible position to say we are recruiting the dregs of society that have been 90% excluded for good reasons and simultaneously saying we will flag them and segregate them so they know who's boss.

Also of course if one is accepting a recruiting as dictated by they call me and supported by the majority here it's absolutely about the price and not retaining any ethics. To say but they're free to come it's an open platform is missing my point that it's unprincipled and disgusting to lure OR bait them here.

I had one genius tell me I can block or ignore them and in the same sentence say only through discussion can change occur?!? So he is unwilling to tolerate opposing views yet also wants to change them, and help them see the light? He blocked me 😂

Acid takes it personally when people don't share his investor view of this place and out of spite he stole my grocery money and tried to spin it as I accused of him wanting fascists when the reality of supporting such an initiative is self evident. He already stole my rewards before I said anything to him except my above sentiments that it's not a good look and doesn't make sense for an already smeared start up. Butthurt he went on a tirade and told me how once mass adoption happens I'll be irrelevant. See, he seeks to silent dissent. That's fascist and @jaynie I don't consort with filth. Again you're very sweet and I'm sorry you thought I was speaking about you. All my ill will is towards @acidyo which if he has any decency will remove his flags.