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RE: How important is the real part of our lives to answer arguments on a platform like HIVE?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

What is the argument they are having and why is it so important for everybody else?
Have you guys considered not reading their posts, if you don't like them ?

That's the beautiful thing about social media. You can just stay away and without attention those dramas go away. I would have stayed away from this post, if I would have thought that it's about drama.

On the general question of this post:

I think your real life matters, as long as you feel the need to put it out there on your own. We want to share our experiences and learn from each other.

On the other hand, it shouldn't be used to settle a debate about objective things.
If one side argues reasonably and the other goes for pitypoints, everybody knows, who won that round.

If both sides are not convincing (which is, what I suspect in this specific situation), there is no winner and that's okay, too.

In your quote it seems, like she is reasonably explaining, why she doesn't answer somebodies question/attack. That should be fine. We have real lifes. We can be busy or sick. We have the power to choose, when we want to engage in a fight. It's legitimate to say, I won't fight, because I have shit going on in my life.

You can disagree, but I won't promise to engage. :)

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My post was pretty on queue for this kind of insanity, I knew it would only be so long before a meltdown over stupidity corrupted the public forum here as it did all other hive side chains.

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