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RE: Laziness and its dominance towards the world’s evolution till date. SLOTH

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I think your question at the end is a trap :) lol

I would have liked to see an additional counter-position, such as that the conveniences created by technology lead out of one hardship but into another. Liberation from all effort will not be achieved, in my view, and in some ways the division of labour has led us to experience a kind of biblical Babel, in which one specialist no longer understands the other. :D
In my country this is called "specialist idiocy".

The world today makes it much more difficult to be a generalist, an all-rounder who knows about several areas, not just one specific one. So I would add that while modernity is a blessing, it is also equally a curse. In a way, the smart devices and applications always make me dumber when I try to rely on them completely, for example by losing my sense of direction, so that I follow the navigator like a blind man who no longer pays attention to the way himself.

Since civilisation is only a thin varnish that can tear at any time, opinions differ here between those who consider survival training important and those who regard it as an evolutionary and outdated remnant. Of course, I would not allow myself to be pushed in my decision for either one or the other, but maintain that the bridge between these worlds is better left open ;-)

Thank you, your text inspired me to write this comment.